See you soon

*Third POV*

"Oh Viddhi this is Jaesung the very first friend I made here and who saved me-I mean he saved me the time I got lost," Anjali smiles making Viddhi rise her bow in response looking towards her then at the guy who sat beside her. 

"Nice to meet you, Viddhi" Jaesung forwarded her hand for a handshake as Viddhi does the same shaking her hand with his for few seconds. 

"Nice to meet you too," Viddhi said as they shake their hands as Anjali's eyes turn towards withdrawing her hand back placing it upon the table. 

"And how did you know I'm Viddhi?" She asked with a confused look over her face 

"Oh, ah the-" Jaesung freezes for a moment with his hands clutched hands into a tight fist. 

"How can I not know you? You are one of the top contestants of the photography competition?" this only made the eyes of Viddhi go wide in response leaving her mouth hanging open.