The little moments

*Third POV*

Walking towards the door pulling the trolly placing the basket inside as a smile forms over her face. 

"Wow, we just almost going to bump into her you got good reflex," Viddhi said watching Anjali walking away. 

"Thanks, it's the years of training," Steve said rubbing over the back of his neck making the smile spread wider over his face than before, 

"Ugh, why are these both brats here don't tell me there are here for a date?" making Anjali roll her eyes in response watching Steve and Viddhi from the corner of her eyes. 

Making her shoulders fall shaking her walking in the opposite direction as Steve kissed Viddhi over her nose. 

"Ugh, why can I smell the love in the air it stinks" Anjali mumbles under her breath pressing her lips on a thin line bending her knees looking at the different chocolates.