Worst or the best

*Third POV*

"Hello, there everyone sorry for the sudden notice" once after the other everyone joins in the living room. With the camera recording them and sitting upon the sofa with his legs spread apart holding his own hand. 

On either side of him the other two judges with smiles over their faces wearing casual clothes. Anjali and Viddhi walk in still holding the cup noodles in their hand looking at each other than in front of them. 

"I hope everyone has arrived," the lady judge asked just all of them to look at each other and nod their head in response. 

"Today let's have a barbeque night with our participants after a long stressful month" Ryuu the other judge said

For the split of a second Anjali's and Dong-jun's eyes meet who was looking at her with a smile over his face. Then turning his head away looking at the others as the smiley faces away from his face. 

"The heck what" Anjali mumbles under her breath.