Dress up wait up

*Third POV*

'I think it didn't turn out well ugh another embarrassment!!'

"Woooo that's was amazing," Korain said clapping his hands breaking everyone out of their shock they were just in. Not only them but also the crew clapped their hands for her making. 

"I didn't see it or hear it but I know how it was" Viddhi clapped her hands with a smile over her face. 

"Thank you," Anjali said rubbing the back of her neck feeling more embarrassed than before

On the other side, Steve had fallen off from his chair on the ground and Yang had his back pressed against the wall. The horror in both of their eyes hearing the claps through the screen snapped both of them out of their thoughts. 

"Please remind me never to piss her off I really don't want to look at that face" Yang said 

"Me either brother not even in my nightmare but now it feels like she will haunt it"