The first impression Hi-eee

*Third POV*

"Ah, Vid gives me a moment I will call you back almost reached," Anjali said picking her phone as she hangs up the call. 

"Ah it's totally fine can you please stop the taxi I went to get down here," Anjali said

"But ma'am we are still far from the destination but I'm really sorry about what happened early there was a small kid." the driver said 

"Ah no no it's okay it's a good thing you stopped it a car or it could have turned into a disaster," Anjali said as their eyes met looking at the rearview mirror. Anjali was still not over what just happened a moment ago. 

Feeling suffocated inside the car right now as she pulls down at the window looking down and seeing the call from Viddhi sliding the green button. 

"Bitch what happened? Are you okay??"

"Ah, I'm totally fine don't worry maybe I should buy something for him so I'm getting down"