The thoughts inside the bath-thought-room

*Third POV*

Anjali turns her head away, her eyes looking around, then pausing at something once again lifting her camera up clicking once more.

'So that was she and her father' Dong-jun breathed out remembering the photo he saw on her phone. 

With that, the silence spread in between them as they kept on staring in front of them. Despite no conversation being shared between them still feeling comfortable in between them. 

For a while having some conversation in between sharing some part of their like as both of them tried to act as normal as they could. Only some moments end up teasing each other sharing small laughs. 

Not really noticing the long day slowly coming to end how fast the time has passed. 

The sky which has already slowly turned darker than before some of them left already. Getting up as they were now heading back towards the car walking along.