The Psycho girl danger

*Third POV*

"Oh" Anjali gasped with her eyes wide, "Am I slutty then what about him? And what should I stop I don't even know how your boyfriend is?" Anjali asked.

'Wait who was her boyfriend ugh how can I forget its ding-dong this is the reason I never preferred to go on a date. I'm going to kill that Steve' 

The next thing Anjali knew even before she could react to what is happening Hyunah jumps upon her pushing her back against the headboard of the bed.

All of it happened in a blink of an eye making her heart skip a beat. With her hand warped around next lightly not really squeezing it. 

'Now, I'm definitely going to kill him!!! for sure!!' 

This only made Anjali eyes go wide in response as she gasps trying her best to get the hands-off. Only made it impossible to get out of the grip. The legs of Hyunah that was either side of Anjali sitting upon her lap putting her whole pressure upon her.