New names for the old one

*Third POV*

"Ma'am here your odder" 

"Huh thank you," Anjali said blinking a few times taking her coffee as she blinks her eyes a few times getting up from her seat. Getting out of the cafe as soon as she can as she walked out of the door. Not noticing the one drop of her tear fell upon the table. 

Wiping the tear-off from her cheeks walking down the street looking around with her lips pressed into a thin line. 

"Where should I go now," Anjali thought pressing her lips into a thin line stopping on her track turning her head towards the bus stop over the opposite side of the road. Only made a smile spread across her face. 

"Maybe I know where I have to go" Anjali mumbles under her breath turning her head to crack it only to hiss in response feeling the pain.