The voice

Just like the music you were hearing his voice all night. Into a loop over and over again, missing your sleep once again. But this time it was a different reason. 

A different one which never happened before, you used to listen to ASMR. But you never repeated it once again.

You smiled all night forgetting the pain you felt just a while ago. I'm happy about that but also sad at the same time. That it wasn't me who made you forget about the pain. It wasn't me who bought up the smile over your face. It wasn't me for whom you were awake. 

I wish it was me just for once to be the reason for all of this. Be the reason for everything in your life. 

By your faithfully



"Omg, he got such a haat~ haat~ voice" Anjali squeak almost kicking over the front seat. Where now Hyunah was wide away with her, hands clutched into a tight fist.