Different still same

*Third POV*

"Really are you sure?" Leia asked Jasmine just nodded her response learning against the wall with her hands in front of her playing with each other. 

"Yes I saw him going to the 18 floors and it said from 15 to 20 all of the floors are for the private and only the VIP can get that" Jasmine whispers 

"How can that bitch get the black card room all for herself" clutching her hands into a tight fist.

"I don't know how but maybe she must hav-" Liea chuckled in response rolling her eyes 

"Well well she did come to meet her bestie dresses all like a bloody witch giving her the card as the shit has a memory loss" 

"Wait Viddhi has the card" Leia nodded her head in response 

"So what should we-" 

"Why not to make a visit it seems as if she wont be back for an hour or two to give a taste of VIP feeling?" Leia smiles, folding her hands over her chest..