The kiss in the elevator

*Third POV*

Feeling as if the thousands of bubbles were busting against her stomach as a smile forms over her lips. The tear slipping from the right side of her eyes slowly raising her hand warping it over the back of his neck. Fingers playing with his hair a sudden wave of shiver pass through her. 

Dong-jun pulls away from her pulling her closer to his chest warping his arms around her tightly as the other stayed on her head. 

"I won't ever let you ever no you are my mate mine" rubbing his nose over the nape of her neck slowly breathing in the sweet scent of her's.

Slowly opening his eyes with the smug across his eyes the yellow eyes shining brightly under the moonlight. 

"Let's fall in love as the humans do my mate" Anjali gasp eyes going wide in response as she clutching his tux under the tight fist. 

'Wait what falling in love are you kidding me'