The re-watched Episode

*Third POV*

"Just be careful with that dog he will be quite possessive of her and even that detective Yamara too that leech will drain the blood just by looking at the person-" 

"Okay Hyung understood I will do my best" 

"Good you can go now" that Jungsung starts to walk away

"Hyung" Korain called making Jungsung stop in his track

"rather than admiring from far if you love her so much why dont you confess to her and be with her. I know Anjali she will lo-" his brother just chuckled in response

"It's hard to make her fall in love but I day I hope I will confess my feeling to her now it's not the right time" 

"Then when is it?" 

"You will know Korain when it is as I want to let her see herself how cruel and selfish the other side can be. More than the world she had been staying" 

"Sometimes I dont understand you Hyung you talk like an old man" this only made Jungsung burst into a laugh.