The semi finial

*Third POV*

"I thought I was going to wake her up but it seems like my mate is a deep sleeper" looking down at Anjali tugging her hair being her ear. 

"This only made her more precious than she already is" taking a deep breath and looking up at the sky towards the moon. Smiling wider than before with his long eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. 

"Even if it's late I'm thankful to you moon goddess for bringing my jagiya to me. Even if its a dream I dont never want to wake up forever" 

'Only I was in his place, I wish I was in his place rather than being the one trapped inside the other one.' the wave of the sea hits the mountain with the cold gush of wind. Just to hear soft giggles escape through the lips of the girl into his arms. 

Looking down just to see the smile over the lips of his mate slugging closer the before.

"Dong-jun~" mumbling into her sleep making his heart skip a beat hearing another giggle.