Questions and Answers

*Trigger warning ahead of self-harm* 

*Third POV*

Anjali pauses as her eyes go wide in response, finally having a clear view of Viddhi who just went stiff. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Anjali, I mean I didn't mean to push if it's just I'm worried about yo-" without releasing, Anjali just warps her hands around Viddhi cutting her off in the mid-sentence.

"I'm sorry Vid I didn't mean to bust out, it's just I have been under a lot of stress it's just a lot to me… Please don't cry because of me I'm sorry" Anjali mumbles making Viddhi release the tears falling down her own eyes. 

"I-Stupid, I should be the one who has to be sorry it's just-it's just" 

"Shuu it's okay it's really okay Vid I'm really okay don't worry as long as I have mom, you Sim, my fans who still support me, not to forget Dong-jun know everything going to be alright…"