The First Day

Just an hour before I was in the safety of a dome, then, then I was running from a towering creature, its red scales glistening in the moonlight. Its claws whistling in the cool night breeze, its muscular legs pushing them, its tail despite being as thick as my thighs, moved like a whip. As it ran towards me, I could feel its eyes on the back of my neck.

I dodged and weaved around the trees, but it did me no good. I soon came upon a tree having a split just wide enough for me to enter so I did. I dove under, submerging myself in the green waters of the swamp, and emerged in the hollow tree.

I could hear the sound of water being dashed about just outside. It was searching for me, and it wouldn't be long until it found me. Its movements soon stopped, but I knew it was there. Soon the sound of bubbles popping and steam rising around me could be heard. In a few seconds it became unbearable. I had no other choice, if I didn't act then, I'd be fish food.

"I give up." I said feeling defeated.

"Down girl." He said, the boiling water soon cooling.

"This is better than last time, thir..." I cut him off.

"Thirty seconds better." I said crawling beneath the crack, my hair fastened to my face by water, as I stood up.

"Now you're a square five minutes, you're good enough for the time we have." He said bombarding a watch he then had with taps, fastened to the top of the creature.

As I parted my bangs, there it was. Its crocodile like black eyes and red scales greeted me. It soon yawned and its teeth could be seen, sitting neatly in its long square jaws, its canines being the largest about five inches. This was followed by a sneeze its raised nostrils tightening a little, soon he scratched behind a set of scales that were just behind the back of its head, spread out. A drake, though not especially rare, they were hard to catch due to their agility and strength and even harder to tame, but this one was with Mr. Rockwell since it was an egg, and as such got imprinted by him. They were the cousins of dragons though lacking flight and a consciousness, though still too close for comfort.

As Mr. Rockwell sat atop the creature an equally terrifying creature could be heard landing behind me.

As I looked back, I saw Rose sitting atop it, holding tight to the saddle fastened to it.

"I thought you were going to go easy on him. He should have at least lasted ten minutes, but you weren't holding back." She said descending the winged animal being careful not to fall. And as soon as she was in shallow water, she continued. "He hasn't slept since everything happened and its been twenty-eight hours, don't you think that's affecting his scores."

"Your right, we will resume this... today... tomorrow... the next one pm, get something to eat and get some rest." He said as he steered the beast into the mangrove.

"What am I going to do with him." She said shaking her head, though to me it seemed like she was the one that needed to be looked after. "Let's go." She said as the creature bowed itself in front of her allowing her to climb on. "What are you waiting for, lets go."

It was not that I was afraid of heights or the mount... I was afraid of her. The creature she was riding was an amphiptere, used mostly for competitive flying. Rose was a five time champion and broke her record every other year she used to fly but after leaving college she chose to pursue law. What this meant was that every time she flew she flew like she was racing. Mr. Rockwell had told me to fly with her at my own risk after she asked to spectate my training.

The creature had no legs or arms but instead a long serpent like body covered in black scales, its support was its two bat like wings that had large claws at the joints and its head was that of a crocodile.

I reluctantly climbed on fastening the belt that kept you on the saddle and then without warning or notice.

"Clop clop clop." She clicked her tongue three times and seamlessly the creature slithered across the ground and then forcefully pounced into the air, the act of taking off alone almost left me dry.

Soon we were gaining altitude, but because we didn't have any masks to provide us oxygen she stopped about thirty stories up.

"Hold on." She said with a smile on her face. I knew I was in for it.

She started off slow turning the amphiptere upside down, gliding through the air for about ten seconds before turning it back. Soon after, pulling but one end of the rein, she did a barrel roll.

"Not so bad right, when I'm up here I feel free, like I can go anywhere. Enough rambling, hold on for real this time." She said bending over positioning her chest only a few inches away from the saddle. I did the same.

"Clop." One click, that's all it took , soon we were moving so fast I was holding on for dear life. She nose dived, barrel rolled and even flew upside down.

Then we were losing altitude and fast, eyes closed, and hands protecting my head I was ready to crash land. Then in one seamless motion, I felt us touch the ground, without even a hitch or bump. We eventually came to a stop and when I opened my eyes.

"we're here." We were back on the estate.

What I meant to say in my head suddenly found its way out of my mouth.

"Never again." Surprisingly she laughed.

"That's what everyone says. Come on lets get you inside and asleep." She climbed down first.

As I climbed down I looked back at the creature, and I only had one thought.

("You poor thing.")

We had landed behind the main house, and as such we used the back entrance. As we approached the limestone slab split in the middle revealing a doorway.

We were in the kitchen, unlike outside the trend had been broken. The floor was limestone, it was so shiny I could see my reflection perfectly. It continued on and then took a 90 degrees and then another connecting to the counter top. It was to the back of the room but there was enough space for ten people to work there at once. The sink was deep continuing the limestone, it was about four feet wide. Beside this was the stove top or that's what I assumed it was. It was a large black space about three feet by three feet and cut into six identical squares.

The wall that stood behind the counter was no wall, but instead there was a wind barrier as they called it, it had shelves galore filled with food and drink items behind it. Though the wall was huge it stretched its length but not its width. It was about four feet off the ground and five feet in width. It was a fridge and a large one at that.

Below the counter was cupboards closer to the ground and to the top, drawers, I didn't look inside them, I assumed what was inside. Over head were ringed lights, all of different sizes and orientations passing through each other.

In the midst stood one of the maids. Their hair colors were all the same , black, and I couldn't tell which one it was.

"Make us something to eat." Rose said, and immediately she got to work. As I expected there were pots in the cupboards and in the drawers, cutlery.

It didn't take long only thirty minutes, I even saw some spells littered in there.

"Your meals my lady, sir." She gave me yet again another balanced meal only this time less food, but Rose got a steak, or that's what it looked like. After finishing my meal I stood up to wash what I had used but was rejected. The maid washed them and sent me on my way.

I left rose chowing down, a bottle of wine in toe. As I passed through the living room there were three long sofas, white. It was mostly empty having a large TV on the wall, and four plants in the corners. A table was between the three sofas, a black rug under it, they all faced it making a square missing one side.

This was not my destination though, it was the stairs, looking outside from the living room it was on the right. A spiral stair case going up. My destination was the second floor. As I stepped on the flight of stairs the steps moved beneath me, spiraling me upward to the second floor where I quickly stepped off when it slowed down.

There were four doors and they all led to guest rooms, all of them being the same. As I went up to the wooden door, a golden crest surrounding it, it opened and slid into the wall, closing behind me as I entered the room. I stepped into the room a king sized bed greeted me up against the wall having crimson sheets and a gold outlined wood semicircle for a bedhead. To my right was the dresser, it was much like Ms. Francis' no drawers, but this time a small curtain covered the gap.

As I went deeper into the room I was careful not to step on the fur rug in front of the bed. Sidestepping it I went into the bathroom. In its center was a large glass box, a walk in shower. Though there was nothing else to be seen. As I took off my clothes a small container seamlessly exited the walls, I put my clothes in them, the sports gear I had been given from Mr. Rockwell. It consisted of a black tank top and a pair of shorts, both a breathable material. As I put them in, they sank into walls.

I stepped into the shower and out of the roof descended a box. It had soap and a rag inside. I took them out and as soon as I did the box retreated into the roof of the shower. Then a holographic console popped up before me.

It had a list of options but in the end I chose normal shower, thus water started to pour from above drenching me and it was set to happen in another ten minutes or less. I did not need a power wash or spa. Finishing my shower the box returned and I replaced the contents.

As I stepped out, the wall once again released a box this time it had underwear and pajamas. I put them on and laid in my bed.

I couldn't help but remember what Mr. Rockwell had said when he just took off his googles.

"You killed a woolly panther didn't you." He said a smile on his face.

"What's that?" I said confused, not that I didn't have an idea, I couldn't forget after all.

"Large... huge, purple fur, armor, steam from the mouth, pitch black eyes."

"I did."

"How did you kill it?" He seemed fascinated.

"Well I had a knife that was too short so when I jammed it in its side, I used steam to over heat it."

"What are the odds." He said smiling. "You are one lucky boy Psychí." He looked at me from head to toe.

"Its a pretty color. Though its inside burning small now, when it comes out however, be calm... or else." He said his smile fading.

"What's going on?" He could see something I couldn't.

"Psychí... how do you gain an animal's skill." He said looking at me with a serious face.

"You, you..." It was at that moment it clicked. "Kill it with its own attribute."

"And what do you think its attribute was." He said raising his brows in union.

"Steam. So what did I get?" I asked my interest peaked.

"Well its not guaranteed... though I know you got something. When it looked at you were you afraid, unable to move maybe." He said rubbing his hairless chin.


"Case closed. You really are a lucky boy, among woolly panthers steam fangs are rare... and even rarer... kill aura. I can see it, maybe it's dormant, maybe it's a dud, but it's there. The one you killed was a juvenile, if not as soon as it looked at you, you would have perished if not died instantly."

"So what does that mean for me?" I said concerned for myself.

"It means, until it comes out and you can control it... you can't want to kill anybody, because you might, but you don't seem like a hot head. You have to bring it out, learn to control it or you might live in regret." He too now seemed concerned.

"How do I bring it out?"

"Usually, for a wooly panther it activates the first time when they are in a tight situation, about to die or really want to kill something. Get angry or something I don't know." He looked away, in thought perhaps.

"So I'll have to wait then."

"Why not try now. Think about something that makes you angry." He seemed happy.

As I thought about her I could feel an anger build up in my chest, but nothing happened.

"Anything." I asked curiously.

"Well the flame flickered a little. That wasn't enough, though I could feel your anger from all the way over here. Its gonna take more." He wanted to stoke the flame.

It was then he decided for me to do a stamina and endurance exercise that would also serve as a catalyst for the kill aura, being chased by a drake, but nothing. I was concerned it was a dud, but was that so bad. I wouldn't have to worry about killing anyone after all. Deep in thought I soon fell asleep.

Soon I was in a forest, a familiar one, and stood in front of me, the wooly panther. It dashed in my direction though I managed to dodge jumping on the floor. It then proceeded to chase me. I lasted longer than I thought, this was due to my training. The drake was faster and more agile, due to this while it chased me I had no choice but to dash and weave around trees.

Then out of nowhere I could feel as if I was about to die, my heart was missing beats, my head felt as if at any moment it could fly away, and I was drenched in my own sweat. As I peered back I could see it. Eyes covered in a purple flame, mouth hissing with steam.

It was closer than I thought, faster too. Soon it swiped at my legs staggering me to the floor. In no time it towered over me, mouth wide open, was this it for me.