Unexpected Companion

She looked me up and down before she spoke once again.

"You don't have to worry, I don't think you did it. Think of me as your first friend here." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said shaking her hand.

"Just head over to the main building, they will direct you on what to do next." She said pointing towards the brick building. "Oh silly me." She then gave me a name tag with a one and alpha on it. "See you around, and keep that I.D safe, wear the name tag for today."

She soon left going to the next pad, greeting another student.

There was nothing much to see, there were large black circular dots around the field separating the grass leading up to a forest.

I went over to the campus crossing a strangely familiar road, though black and sturdy it didn't feel like asphalt, it felt like concrete.

I came upon ten meter brick walls that seemed to encompass everything. The top had a small white concrete like lip. The pillars at the gate were made of the same material, holding up large white metal gates with angel wings on the front. The gate was large and split into two, a large semicircle when together, the design around the pair of wings looking like prison bars.

Soon there was an influx of people, and they seemed to know where they were going, so I followed.

Entering the brick building we were greeted by a short, long haired blonde woman, with green eyes. She wore a white business suit with a skirt. She had a name tag that read "Candice Eos".

"There are five classes per floor, the order from left to right being, Alpha, Beta, Sigma, Delta, Gamma, go to the floor with your number on it and enter your assigned classroom." She said stood near the doorway.

I followed her instructions passing by the large glass windows that stretched from the floor up to the arched ceiling. I passed two classrooms to get to mine, one being centralized in front of the entrance. I reached the end of the hall and saw a corner I was not interested enough to look around.

I entered the classroom and it was basically a lecture hall, the six rows of seats inclined from the back to front, a connected desk in front of them that split into three with walk ways. A red carpet running up and down the walk ways. The board was upfront and large, it was almost as tall as the room, it was white with a golden trim, a small table and chair in front of it metal and white.

I choose the back of the class and the seat to the farthest left. I sat by myself as their was nobody else. As I sat in boredom I started to look through the large glass window to the far right, there was a large field with a white rectangle.

After being sat down for eight minutes people started to arrive. Though it was another twenty minutes before everyone arrived. One particular student had an entourage, some left her at the door and another five followed her to the third row middle column. They sat down with her in the middle, one at every cardinal direction and the extra beside her.

She had white hair in a bob cut, her face covered by what I had been given before, the golden headband and dangling cloth but white. She wore a white dress that went down the knees and frilled into a light blue when they got there, her long sleeves doing the same as they met her white gloves. The top half was an off the shoulders with the same frills, she wore a small blue belt that tightened the dress around her waist, bringing the outfit together.

The other strange thing that happened was someone came all the way to the back and sat beside me. The room was large by anyone's standards, simply put they wanted to, and it made me uncomfortable.

He had green eyes and black hair done in a quiff. He wore a long sleeve wool green v neck with black pants and sneakers, with no laces of course. He didn't say a word, he just sat there tapping away at his tablet, a dish with green sticks in front of him that he ate from ever so often.

In time, the class was sparsely filled with twenty students, all sitting in there cliques a few stranglers here and there.

As I sat there toppling the S.C over and over waiting for something to happen, the same woman that told us where to go had come and sat in the chair with a thin white book in her hand.

"Welcome to Valkyrie University. I am your teacher Mrs. Eos and for the five years you'll be attending this university I'll be your teacher. There will be no classes today as it is orientation, while it only serves for you to know your class, classmates and teacher it is still important." She then took a wide sweep over the room with her eyes.

"So, would we like to introduce ourselves. I'd like to know what you aim to achieve and your favorite gem stone." She opened the book and started to call names.

The majority only gave their names as they were unsure of their answer and didn't want to make a bad impression.

When it came to the white haired girl's turn she answered softly and confidently.

"Sarah Achilles, your turn princess." Mrs. Eros said with a smile.

"I'd like to become a special grade in the army and make my country proud, my gemstone would have to be the Lapis Lazuli." She said sitting down immediately after.

"I'd expect nothing less from the princess."

It was then the weirdos turn.

"Zachry Gaia." Again she smiled.

"I'd like to be a weapons engineer and software designer, my gemstone would have to be an amber."

"Interesting." She said looking at him with a smile on her face.

After a few people it was my turn.

"Chaménos... Francis." She said looking around with a straight face.

As I stood up everyone was looking at me, whether through the corner of their eyes or directly. Their were only two that didn't the "Princess" and the weirdo. It was a good thing the mask was covering face, while it looked solid from the front, it was completely see through from the back.

"I'd like to become a researcher, my gemstone would have to be... " She cut me off.

"Black diamond." Everyone, confused but surprised at her words turned to look at her. "You may continue." She said with an unimpressed look on her face.

"Jasper." I said sitting down.

She then proceeded to pretend as if she hadn't called me the harbinger of death, getting through all the students before making a final speech.

"There will be no tour of the school, you will do that in your own time or wait until you eventually have to use the various facilities, the one I will tell you about is the dorm, its the three story building, your rooms were chosen by your guardians so there not all the same. You are free to explore, I bid you all good luck." As soon as she had finished speaking, she left.

The class soon broke out into chatter, people getting to know each other and especially the princess. Everyone was around her, except for the weirdo.

I stood up and as I did I could see them all looking at me, though I didn't care.

I walked out and headed to the dorms, to my discomfort, the weirdo followed, eyes in his tablet. I took the right and he took the right, I stopped and so did he. It was annoying.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"If I stay around you, people will stay away from me. The names Zachry, call me Zack, I already know your name." He said tapping away.

"Is there a way I can get you to leave me alone?"

"I'm afraid not, right now your people repellant and that's what I want, I hate people." He said as he walked a little closer.

"Fine, just... personal space." I said accepting his argument.

"No problem." He said biting on a green stick.

As we got to the dorms main entrance we were called by what seemed to be a receptionist, she was behind a large tall circular wooden desk in the center of the lobby. As we got closer she gave us our room numbers, to my disappointment.

"Francis, room 23 third floor, and Gaia third floor 22." She said smiling.

It seemed fate was not on my side, me and Zack were neighbors.

As we walked to the elevator there was silence. We got to our room doors, and there was silence, there he stood left of me facing his door.

"Hello neighbor." He said smiling.

"I hate you so much ." I said entering the room.

"We'll see how long that lasts." He said entering his.

It was a new life with new opportunities, it hadn't started well, but at least I had the chance to control my own life.

***Arc 3 A New Life***