The day had met an unfortunate end and as such she towed me to the infirmary. It was the same room we were instructed to carry everyone else to before. It was surprisingly bare only having beds and a few pods akin to those at the university. I was laid on the bed and she left saying nothing. I laid there not wanting to move as the pain would only get worse, even if I couldn't move much. The monster had really done a number on me, he was merciless.
I thought he'd try to save me as we inhabited the same body, but I was wrong, my judgement was obviously not the best. In those moments I'd believe anything if it spared me my suffering, or if it just cut to the end. It was to be expected though, his words before weren't hollow in the slightest. It really wanted me to kill it if it meant ending it's suffering, and if it got the chance, it'd do it itself. It didn't even say anything pertaining to what it had done, not even a threat or a warning.