The day began like any other, it did, but it was different from the one before. The obstacle we would be doing first wasn't the falling sky, it was the falling bombs. The small black cubes that hovered above the sandy dune would fall without rhythm and without any warning. It was our job not to get hit. The cubes wouldn't stop even if we were under them, so messing up meant a concussion, or worse. It wouldn't be over quickly either, it was a long field. The more you ran the more you'd have to commit. If you started, that was it, there was no stopping, no turning back.
The entirety of us stood at the start and waited for a signal. The stakes were high too, for them at least. Whoever finished first would get a one on one with the general, training and all. I didn't plan to come first either, I had already been tortured enough. I had my instructions and they would be enough for me to overcome my fears, they had to be.