Artificial Humanity

I laid there unable to sleep, I wasn't perplexed or even uneasy. I just wasn't tired. I waited though, for it to set in, the weariness, but it never did. Entering my mind I watched them standing on the edge, doing nothing.

"What do you guys do in here?" I was confused.

"Nothing really, we got through all your memories so we just watch you." The statue seemed bored.

"So you guys just... sit around doing nothing, all day... everyday?" It seemed a boring existence.

"It's not like we have a choice. Tell us, what exactly are we supposed to do?" My deepened voice had a proposition.

I stood there, racking my brain thinking of ways to entertain my unwanted companions, but I couldn't think of anything. Then he interjected.

"Let them fight... why not?" Both my voices were uninterested but still wanted to be heard, I ignored them.

"I can't help you, I gave you all you needed to entertain yourselves so why not use your imaginations?"