Shifting my attention to the colonel, I would bare witness to a rather peculiar event. He was stood in the middle of a street, his enemies nowhere to be seen or heard. He did not seem to care for their whereabouts either. He simply began a stroll through the barren wasteland. As he did though, he would take off his helmet. Lifting it high above his head, it would appear he was basking in his own reflection. Confused, I watched on, the enemy had hidden themselves, and quite obviously, in the buildings. As they sprung to action, I would see why.
One of his assailants was only using one hand, and it would be for good reason. Lunging from a higher window, they would use their right and only functional hand to attack. From a completely bare hand, diamonds would fracture from their flesh into many spikes. The barrage resembled a tidal wave, huge and unforgiving, crushing everything in its way.