I almost regained my sense of humor and smile, no, laugh, after his last few words. I was supposed to kill the creature that stood before me. The creature that stood shoulder to shoulder with Fate herself. The creature that could invoke her name and live. He was misunderstanding who I was, and if he was betting on, as what he had said 'what I would become' I needed answers and I needed them immediately. I was not even at the top of the totem pole in the university I went to, and I was supposed to fight a monster revered on all levels of creation, madness, he was insane. No, perhaps he was never sane to begin with.
"Insanity... madness... she drove you mad... didn't she...?" I was getting there myself.
"Unfortunately, no, I have not beheld such a thing in millennium." Nothing, bothersome nothing.
"How do you expect to make me into a weapon capable of killing a god exactly... indulge my fantasy... I beg of you..."