By Virtue Of Torture

I stood there for a few more seconds trying to figure out what I had witnessed. It was the past, I had seen Genesha, his mother and all those that had plotted against them, I needed answers. I wasn't stupid enough to think he'd just tell me his life story though. I'd hunt down more of the remnants and eat their hearts, that way I'd be able to piece everything together. It would be time consuming, but it was better than not knowing, and I was stuck in the middle of nowhere anyway, it did not matter how long it took. In all my planning though, I had one problem. Stella had eaten hearts and making an educated guess, others from the village must have as well. I didn't know how it worked, but perhaps I'd have to be left with some plot holes.

"So... do you get it now... it's a part of a fleeting conscious... you felt them didn't you... all the cowardly parts hiding in the trees and in the ground. That's how I-" She was confused. "Why are you looking at me like that... what happened...?"