A Shortcut To Hell

I was finally out of the place that held me hostage for so long, I was free. So, even as the world fell apart around me, I was fine, I didn't care for anything or anyone but me. I wasn't left to be euphoric for long though, as a grim reality soon set in. I was looking human again but was I really what I thought I was. I had done the monster's signature move. I had traveled at the speed of lightning, no, I had become lightning, blood tainted lightening. I soon started to question myself, as whatever made the creature able to do it, had become a part of me. I, to some extent had become like the thing, we were similar, even on a biological level. It was disturbing.

"If you had continued hunting for the remnants as I had instructed, none of this would have happened. How does it feel, the consequences of your actions, the weight of them? It's something you'll have to get used to." It had stolen months of time and yet it patronized me.