Not The Vault's Only Treasures

I'd make way to the vault, or rather, where it should have been, and the thing's entrance would warp from the ground. It would then open, and form inside came the one Stella had mentioned, Vi-Kovia, or as she called her 'the machine'. She did not smile at the sight of me though, in fact the only thing she felt was anger, though she didn't seek violence. She had been one of the people alongside Silvanis that had seen my true nature. They wanted answers, and like Stella before me, I did not provide any. It was simply the anger of ignorance, thus, I was not threatened. She did greet me though, with a forced smile, teeth gnashing and eyes half closed.

"Count… how have you been?" She wanted a handshake.

"I'm well, and you…?" I obliged and she squeezed my hand as we exchanged greetings.

"I could be better… here to see the vault? It's not quite finished." She finally let go.

"Not exactly… is Rockwell still here?"