Xi Ansel and The Ancestor

Who would have thought something like this?

Xi Ansel's mind was buzzing, he was still comprehending those words said by the ancestor.

But after sometime he came to his senses. He was now more determined to become stronger.


Seeing, this determined gaze of Xi Ansel, the voice couldn't help but sigh.

"No need to worry kid! Those things I mentioned earlier, they won't appear soon"

"....But you should be prepared. This sword was my first and last gift that will help you in your fight....This remaining piece of my soul will disperse soon and this 10,000th stair will then cease to exist. Which means this would be our last encounter ", this time the voice was dull. It was as if someone slowly took the voice away from your ear.

"Many thanks Master!", Xi Ansel bowed. For the first time in his 2nd life did Xi Ansel call someone master. In his heart, this mysterious ancestor had already surpassed the qualifications of being a master. For him to help Xi Ansel and even gift him his precious sword could be considered trust with utmost sincerity.

For a moment the voice was surprised, but then it spoke with much warmth," Although your spiritual root and meridians aren't bad but it might take you countless years to become as strong as me...but you have your own secrets of getting strong, so it won't take that long."


Hearing the words of the ancestor, Xi Ansel's heart thumped.

'Did I get discovered? Does he know about my reincarnation? Did he find our about Wu Long?'

Many questions arose in his mind. At this time, did he realize how frightening this ancestor was! To be able to see through him in mere seconds...How high would be his cultivation in his prime? Even Xi Ansel didn't dare to believe that he would have done the same, if he were at his peak in his previous life.

Sensing the worry of Xi Ansel, a cold an emotionless voice spoke in his mind.

[Master! You don't have to worry. No one in this world can sense the presence of the 5 Dragon System]

Only after hearing this, did Xi Ansel sigh! What worried Xi Ansel was, if the ancestor could discover 'Wu Long', then that means anyone with high cultivation might be able to do that. Thus, this might cause a lot of problems. As Xi Ansel just reincarnated and was too weak, he didn't want to attract too much attention from the big shots, otherwise, he would end up as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Don't worry! Everyone has their secrets!", sensing the change of facial expression of Xi Ansel, the voice spoke but this time it was much more dull.

Xi Ansel was rather surprised by this behavior of the ancestor because for a disciple to keep secrets from their master was considered a major taboo and Xi Ansel had already accepted the ancestor as his master. But this free behavior, his master showed was rather...praiseworthy in the eyes of Xi Ansel.

"Thank You Master!", Xi Ansel's gaze towards the voice was filled with even more reverence.

"Kid! Before I fade away let me warn you about ' Total Annihilator'- the moment it senses blood and negative emotions it becomes restless and will start affecting your consciousness. It will try to posses you, but remember not to let it succeed. The moment it takes over your consciousness, it won't just cut down enemies but also friends. You will loose all the rationality of a human and instead become a blood thirsty fiend."

Xi Ansel only nodded. He had already made some guesses, if the sword was this powerful and had its advantages, then there were bound to be some disadvantages too. As, the saying goes, 'Nothing is Free in this world!'.

"Now, I will use the last bit of my remaining energy send you back to the 9999th stair", the ancestor sighed bitterly. After hundreds of thousands of years he finally found his successor but their meeting was so short. He could have done more for Xi Ansel only if he had found him some thousand years earlier.


The void shook and an intense black ripples spread around in the surroundings. 200 meters Behind Xi Ansel a large black ripple appeared which tore a circular mark in the space, it was just like a black hole spinning rapidly in the air but the face of the black hole was towards Xi Ansel. It appeared as a gate to connect the void to the outer world.

Xi Ansel gripped 'Total Annihilator', slightly bowed one last time towards the voice and turned around, his face towards the black hole gate. He started moving towards it.

A moment later as he reached the black hole gate he could feel the intense pull towards it but it was not as strong as the pull he earlier felt, when he was sucked into the void after stepping on the 10,000th stair.

As Xi Ansel was going to step on it, a concerned voice came from behind, " Kid, protect the sword well. As, long as you have it, they won't let you live peacefully."

Xi Ansel turned around with an evil grin but his eyes were cold, " The question isn't who is going to let me, it is who has the guts to stop me!"

After saying so Xi Ansel disappeared into the gate. The Ancestor could only look at his vanishing back and sigh, "I can only place the hopes of this world on you!"