Xi Ansel's Fury

After a while Xi Ansel finally reached the 6000th step.

The pressure just kept increasing, Xi Ansel finally lowered his pace a bit and started observing his surrounding while walking upwards.

Near the 5000th step there were quite a few young men and women, they managed to suppress their exhaustion and finally fulfilled the criteria to become the inner disciple but it was a pity they couldn't get the treasure at the peak.

There were also quite a few people whose bones were broken by pressure, finally after reaching the 5000th step, they couldn't hold it anymore and collapsed on the stair.

But then something unusual happened. The ones who had collapsed on the floor vanished and appeared at the root of the mountain just below the 1st stair.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the disciples, the same elder from the wind martial sect said, " The test is over for these guys, that's the reason why they have been transported out of the mountain. You need not worry, continue your test."

After hearing that everyone felt their tensed muscles loosening and a sigh came out of their mouth.

After getting the answer to his question Xi Ansel continued his journey.


"Hey, look that guy is crazy! Did he really catch up to those geniuses?", a middle aged man with a bewildered look was rubbing his eyes while shouting from the crowd.

The man was talking about Xi Ansel. After many hours Xi Ansel was able to reach the 9000th stair.

There wasn't a single person other than 4 figures near the 9000th stair. Those 4 figures were - Gu Li, Ji Jian, Wang Xiao and Xi Ansel.

Gu Li was on 9200th stair.

Wang Xiao was on 9150th stair.

Ji Jian was at 9050th stair.

Xi Ansel just stepped on the 9000th stair.

When the elders and vice sect leaders saw this they couldn't believe it because they weren't able to find a single core disciple in the past years but this time they not only found core disciples but heavenly geniuses.

In the past decades even from the best batch of disciples only one or two were able to barely make it to the 8000th stair but this time not one, not two but a total of four people were able to make it past 8000. Not just 8000th stair but to the inconceivable 9000th stair and from the looks of it they haven't reached their limit yet.

'If they could groom these geniuses then they would certainly become formidable figures who would reach the pinnacle of martial arts', thinking about this the elders couldn't help but be happy.

As Xi Ansel stepped on the 9001th stair. BOOM!

His body jolted, an intense amount of pressure locked on Xi Ansel making him unable to move. No matter how much he tried his body wouldn't budge. This pressure was even more terrifying than Elder Fei Sun's pressure, which he experienced before the start of the test.

'What? Is this really my limit? No, Hell No!! I'm not going to stop, no matter what! Even if my body is smashed into pulp, I'll still move. I need to get stronger, Fast! I will meet her soon! I have to prepare. I have to move!', while Xi Ansel was deep in thought, he suddenly heard a familiar, mechanical, cold voice.



"Oh! how could I forget you, Wu Long?", Xi Ansel suddenly realized that he has the greatest cheat of this world, ' Wu Long'.

In just a few breaths time Xi Ansel felt the pressure dissipate by a great rate. Although the pressure was still too much but at least he was able to move his body.

"Oh! wow Wu Long, you could only absorb a small amount of pressure as this feature depends on my cultivation rate but this really helped. As now I have broken to the 3rd stage elementary realm, you were able to absorb much more pressure that earlier", Xi Ansel was grateful to Wu Long.

[Yes, Master]

[Master, I would like to advise you not to move further as I could sense an incredible amount of pressure from above. If you keep moving, you may suffer grave injuries or maybe death!]

Just as Wu Long spoke these words, before Xi Ansel could reply. He heard the same voice again, "COME! I'M WAITING FOR YOU".

This time the voice was crystal clear. The voice was a very dry and callous tone which carried a murderous aura. Even while listening to that voice Xi Ansel who was known as the Death god in the previous life, couldn't help but shiver.

After hearing to that voice, Xi Ansel resolve to uncover the mystery of the peak of Ancient mountain strengthened even more.

Xi Ansel clenched his fists and ignored Wu Long's words and stepped on the 9002th stair and started walking.

After an incense stick of time.

"Hey look that brat is just 2 stairs away from Young master Ji Jian. I bet he'll cross him soon", a young lady from the crowd spectating shouted.

There were people who even supported her conjecture.

When Ji Jian heard all this his face immediately darkened and he turned around. To his astonishment Xi Ansel was not 2 stairs but just a stair away from him.


Something unexpected happened, which shocked everyone. Ji Jian suddenly kicked Xi Ansel on his abdomen. Taken up by surprise Xi Ansel couldn't dodge and was sent flying from the 9000th stair towards the 8000th then to the 7000th...he finally stopped at the 1st stair.

Ji Jian was a martial arts genius and his cultivation was at the late 5th stage of elementary realm. His kick was mixed with his inner qi and because of that Xi Ansel not only was sent flying but also sustained heavy injuries from it.

" You BASTARD, how dare you come even close to me! A filthy peasant like you should never cross people like me, you should just stay behind us or under our feet. You dare!", Ji Jian suddenly roared from the 9100th stair.

The crowd was silent but then deep frown started appearing on everyone's faces. At that time everyone realized what a despicable person Ji Jian was. The most angry was the vice sect leader of the cloud martial sect. His gaze was towards Ji Jian and it even had a bit of hostility in it.

Seeing that gaze of the vice sect leader, Ji Jian quivered and realized that he had gone overboard as he instinctively kicked Xi Ansel without realizing that everyone was watching. He quickly looked away and started moving towards the top.

At this time, Gu Li turned around to see the situation and within a second quickly reverted back his face after assessing the situation.

At the same time even the heavenly beauty Wang Xiao turned her expressionless face towards Ji Jian who was climbing up quickly. Her gaze was filled with disdain, then she turned around to look at Xi Ansel who was lying up on the first stair bathed in blood, this time her expression had a bit of pity but then she turned around and started moving towards the peak.

"So despicable!"

"To think that the young master of Ji Family would be so hateful"

"That brat is crippled for sure"

"What are you talking about? How could he be crippled? Didn't you see the viciousness of that kick? The guy is dead for sure!", the crowd was in turmoil.

But then something happened which shook the hearts of each and every person in the crowd. They saw the bloodied figure rise.

"Wu Long, start the healing process", Xi Ansel while lying on the ground said.

[Understood Master]

Xi Ansel knew that Wu Long had the power to heal him, no matter what the injuries were. That was the most inconceivable thing to him. He then realized, how important his life was to the God who gifted him this system.

Xi Ansel rose, amidst the pool of blood that was coming out of his body.

"Wh...What he g...got up!"

"How is this possible? What kind of monster is he?"

"L...Look he is smiling", the crowd was in chaos.

After getting up, Xi Ansel looked towards the peak of the mountain. But the thing that caused the uproar among the crowd was the smile that he had on his face. That devilish smile sent chills down the spine of the whole crowd. Whenever someone does something that can't be measured using normal human psychology, people label them as madmen or maniacs. These are the ones, people fear the most.

If someone was to be kicked and thrown from that height, the first thing they would do is to shout or be furious on the person who did that to them. But here, Xi Ansel was smiling!! That was beyond belief. This was something no-one ever imagined in their wildest dreams.


Xi Ansel spit out some blood.

'To think that, you would attack me before I attacked you! You really haven't changed Ji Jian! I thought I would at least leave your body in one piece, looks like I'll have to rethink my plans. Ji Jian! Oh! Ji Jian, who will save you now?', thinking all this Xi Ansel couldn't help but let out a huge roar of laughter.


"Madman! He's definitely a madman", a young man from the crowd was shivering while saying.

The laughter was so loud that it shook the whole forest and mountain. Even the people above turned around to look towards Xi Ansel.

Even Ji Jian turned to look at Xi Ansel. A hint of surprise could be seen on his face but he sneered at Xi Ansel and moved forward.

Unknown to everyone Xi Ansel hid a deep killing intent in that laugh of his. It was his only way to relieve some anger before he reached Ji Jian.


Among the shocked gazes of the crowd, Xi Ansel shot up the mountain like a released arrow. This speed was even faster than before. The area he passed through, left deep marks on the ground. As he went past the other examinees their robes started dancing from the sudden gust of air.

In an incense stick of time he had already reached the 8000th step.

He further increased his speed and finally reached the 9200th stair where Ji Jian currently was. Xi Ansel bent his thumb and straightened all of his four fingers on the right hand and concentrated his qi on the tip of the four fingers and directed this attack on Ji Jian's back exactly 4cm below his heart. The four fingers started glowing pale yellow as the blood from the tip of the fingers flew backward and made the tip devoid of any blood.

This was known as, ' Four fingers Destruction'. It was a foundation tier battle art that Xi Ansel learnt in his previous life. This art makes the finger tips devoid of any blood and increases the sharpness of the bones of the 4 fingers. The sole purpose of creating this savage battle art was to tear down the body of enemies with bare hands.

As this technique was so savage it wasn't practiced among the virtuous disciples. Instead it was practiced among the demonic disciples. Only they could use such savagery to kill an opponent. As Xi Ansel was known as the 'Harbinger of death' in his previous life, he didn't differentiate between the virtuous and demonic arts and practiced both of them.

The crowd had yet to recover from their past shock when another bomb was dropped.

Feeling a sudden chill around his back Ji Jian instinctively jumped on the right side.

The four fingers landed on the place where Ji Jian stood earlier and cut through the air like tofu.

Shhhhi! The voice was loud and clear.

Seeing this Ji Jian's face turned pale. As Ji Jian was an elementary realm 5th stage his instincts were more powerful. Hence it kicked right on time and he was able to avoid the danger. Thinking about this cold sweat poured down from his head. Suddenly he heard a voice.....

" Ji Jian why do you look so pale? Don't worry I wasn't planning to kill you with this little attack", Xi Ansel said with a smile on his face.

'This attack was little?', the whole crowd gasped at the same time.

"BASTARD!", hearing Xi Ansel's words, Ji Jian's expressions became extremely ugly and a dense killing intent filled the space.

"Seems like our little doggy here is angry?", Xi Ansel further added fuel to the fire.

" I'll kill you. I don't care about the exam anymore. I'll fucking kill you!", Ji Jian roared seething the sword, his expression was like a hideous beast.

" He has gone mad, he will kill the kid!"

"The kid is in just 3rd stage whereas Ji Jian is on 5th and he is also a sword cultivator. He will kill that brat!", the crowd started shouting with their worried looks. Everyone turned their heads towards the elders and vice sect leaders, who were frowning.

" Sorry, but we can't interfere in the examinations, furthermore even if we wanted to, we couldn't step on the mountain.", an elder was frowning in the sudden change of the test environment.

On the mountain

" BASTARD! How dare you try to kill me?", Ji Jian combined his qi on his sword, while glaring at Xi Ansel with deep hatred.

"Oh! you can kick me and attempt to kill me but I can't do the same? What kind of BULLSHIT is this?", Xi Ansel finally couldn't hold it and exploded with rage.

" GO DIE", Ji Jian jumped a little in the air as he couldn't jump more due to the pressure. The sword was shining with bright blue light as it locked on to Xi Ansel.

Wind Slice!

Xi Ansel after seeing the situation realized that with his current cultivation base he couldn't avoid the strike and so, he decided to take it head on.

As the sword fell from the air towards Xi Ansel's head with an incredible momentum to cut him down in two, Xi Ansel used the Four Fingers Destruction on both his hands and raised them high in the air.

But before the sword could reach Xi Ansel's head, he had already caught it with both his hands using the four fingers destruction. The sword was locked between the 8 fingers of Xi Ansel. Four fingers of the right hand and four of the left hand.

But Xi Ansel couldn't stop the momentum as the sword didn't just have the force of Ji Jian but also the pressure which was emitted by the ancient mountain and hence Xi Ansel could see that he was bending slowly and slowly. The gap between his right and left leg was widening. Seeing this Ji Jian gave an evil smile which conveyed a message, 'You're Dead'.

"If this goes on, I'm dead for sure...but not by this weak BASTARD!", Xi Ansel thought for a bit and then putting a bit of qi on his right leg kicked hard on Ji Jian's right fibula bone. CRACK!


Fibula is the thinner and weaker bone of the lower leg. Forget about breaking that bone if someone were just to lightly kick it the pain would be unimaginable but here Xi Ansel broke it. You can just imagine the pain which Ji Jian was going through.

Immediately the sword loosened and he fell on the floor rolling while holding his right leg.

"AAH! YOU BAS.....AAAH!", Ji Jian couldn't even utter a single word the pain was so excruciating. This was all because Xi Ansel knew that Ji Jian was a sword cultivator and those who cultivate the way of the sword are known to be extremely powerful but they have a major flaw and that is, 'their bodies are weak'. They spend most of their time cultivating sword qi and directing their energy towards their sword. They believe their sword to be their real body and hence they try to strengthen it as much as they could, forgetting about their physical body.

Seeing the groaning Ji Jian on the ground, Xi Ansel took a step and reached near his head.

"Ji Jian! Are you alright? You didn't die right!!", Xi Ansel asked with a worried expression. It was as if he was a parent looking at his injured child.

Seeing this the whole crowd was silent. Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing.

A sword cultivator got done by a normal bare handed cultivator?...An elementary realm 5th stage lost to a 3rd stage elementary realm?....This injured brat who was lying on the 1st stair a moment ago did this to the person who was in his best state?.....Who the hell is this kid?

These questions were roaring like a storm inside everyone's mind. This was clearly defying the laws of nature.

If they had not seen it in person they wouldn't have believed it.

Just, what kind of monster is he?

The most astonished as well as petrified was Ji Jian. For him Xi Ansel was like a demon from hell.

" Ji Jian, why aren't you cocky anymore? Say something!", Xi Ansel was smiling while looking at the pale faced Ji Jian.

If someone were to see his face, no-one would realize that he was the same haughty Ji Jian whose demeanor was like a lion. Now, he looked just like a groaning half-dead pig.

Ji Jian suddenly remembered something and in this excruciating pain slowly lifted his hand and put it inside a silver clothed pouch which he had tucked in his waist. He took out a round white pill, it was a 1st grade high class pill. As he was going to put it in his mouth, Xi Ansel kicked his hand and the pill flew high in the air- Xi Ansel grabbed it in mid air.

" Oh! You want this pill?", saying so Xi Ansel crushed the pill between his thumb and forefinger, the crushed pill powder flew with a gust of wind.

He then bent and took the pouch from Ji Jian's waist.

Xi Ansel still remembered in his past life Ji Jian tormented him so much, just because a girl subordinate of his complemented him saying, " That guy-Xi Ansel, is quite handsome, isn't he?"

Ji Jian never liked those besides him who would complement someone other than him. As this girl was a new subordinate, she wasn't aware about this. Hence, from that day onwards Xi Ansel became the toy of Ji Jian and as for that girl, she got killed by Ji Jian.

Ji Jian would beat up Xi Ansel whenever he liked and not only that but as Xi Ansel was handsome, Ji Jian had intense jealousy towards him. So, one day he ordered some of his subordinates to beat up Xi Ansel and destroy his face, strip him of his clothes and hang him upside down in the sect training grounds.

That was the day Xi Ansel felt everything was over for him. He even thought of committing suicide but because of the vice sect leader, he stopped. As, no evidence was found against Ji Jian, he and his group were not found guilty. Actually, everyone knew the truth but they all feared the Ji family and the tyrant Ji Jian.

Xi Ansel thought that now they would stop but who knew that this was just the start of hell for Xi Ansel.

No matter how much he begged but they didn't stop.

The more Xi Ansel thought about his past the more his rage began to rise, a sudden burst of killing intent flood the surroundings. The temperature dropped and Ji Jian started quivering.

" P...Please give me that pouch", Ji Jian forgot all about his pride and suppressing his pain grabbed Xi Ansel's leg and began to plead. He looked towards Xi Ansel with pleading eyes.

' So, that is how it is?', Xi Ansel realized that within the pleading eyes is a deep suppressed killing intent. He knew exactly what Ji Jian was thinking and so he decided to play along.

"I would give you your pouch but you'll have to say something, Will you do it?", Xi Ansel asked.

"Wh...What is it?", Ji Jian was reaching his limit. The reason Ji Jian was feeling so much pain was because he was from a prestigious family and never got into a life and death battle. Hence, his pain tolerance was even less than zero and suffering from this kind of pain made him want to kill himself.

" You, just have to say- ' I am a pig and I did wrong, forgive me master Xi Ansel '," Xi Ansel chuckled while looking towards Ji Jian.

Hearing the words of Xi Ansel, the crowd immediately jumped. It was as if they had heard a howl from a ferocious beast. Calling someone pig was acceptable but 'Master'. It was believed that if a person calls someone a master for the first time then he has to acknowledge him as a superior and be his servant for the rest of their lives. That's why a person is only allowed to call someone master after entering a martial sect and after thinking carefully and discussing with their own family. This was a tradition for all the martial cultivators and was as important as virginity, for a girl.

"NEVER", Ji Jian face immediately darkened because a person like him could forget his pride for a second and plead but never would he acknowledge someone as lowly as Xi Ansel, as his master.

Xi Ansel expecting this answer walked towards the left leg of Ji Jian but this time kicked with his full power and completely shattered the fibula bone of the left leg.


Ji Jian's cries could be heard throughout the mountains and forests.

As both his right and left legs fibula bones were shattered, this pain which he was feeling was like being stabbed by 10,000 swords again and again. He was about to lose consciousness when Xi Ansel pressed some of his acupuncture points and made him unable to loose consciousness.

This was like a nightmare for Ji Jian. He was wailing, groaning, crying, panting but no matter what he did he still couldn't suppress this agonizing pain.

At that moment everyone forgot about the test and stopped dead on tracks. This horrifying scene which they saw today made its way and marked itself deep within their souls.

"I'LL DO IT", Ji Jian couldn't hold it anymore. Veins were bulging out of his body, his face was as pale as paper but only one thing was in his mind- To kill! to kill Xi Ansel once he frees himself of this perilous situation.

Seeing the expression of Ji Jian, Xi Ansel couldn't hold back his laugh.

" Okay, say it now", Xi Ansel smiled while saying.

"I...I am a p...pig and I did wrong, forgive me.... master.....Xi Ansel", Ji Jian suppressed his anger but inside he was already burning like a volcano. How could he handle this embarrassment.

'What acknowledge him as master?....the moment I get out of here, there wouldn't be any Xi Ansel in this world anymore for me to acknowledge,' Ji Jian's thought were so clear that it could be seen on his face.

"Now give me my pouch!", Ji Jian looked towards his pouch with hope.

"Definitely, I'm a man of my word.....Here you go", Xi Ansel opened the pouch and all the pills and medicinal herbs dropped on the ground. He then crushed them with his foot and threw away the empty pouch towards Ji Jian.

Seeing this Ji Jian hopes shattered. He couldn't hold it anymore and finally the volcano inside him erupted.

"You FUCKING BASTARD! I'll kill you, your family and anyone whom you love. I wi-",before Ji Jian could complete his sentence four fingers had already reached his stomach..


The four finger were inside inside his stomach and had reached the dantian. Xi Ansel didn't stop here but poured his qi inside and disturbed the qi flow.....BOOM! before anyone could understand what was going on. Everyone saw the loud explosion, which made their jaws drop. Everyone started shivering.....



"Oh! my god"

"Children close your eyes!", the crowd was in a huge uproar because the vicious scene they saw was so terrifying that their soul was reverberating.

Even the elders were terrified.

The people were more frightened because the bloody scene in front of them wasn't done by a ferocious beast or a heinous criminal but a 15 year old kid with a calm and composed expression.

Xi Ansel had completely destroyed the dantian of Ji Jian. Now the test wasn't just a competition but a complete bloodbath.

After a dantian is destroyed, the life of a martial artist is over. As he could never ever cultivate.

Xi Ansel with cold eyes dragged the dying Ji Jian with his hair and stuffed his mouth on the ground where he had stomped on the medicinal pills.

Ji Jian was still conscious but if someone were to see him they could tell that he didn't look human anymore. His face was devoid of any color, the eyes were popping out like a hideous monster, his stomach was torn open and blood was flowing like river, his hair had become so shabby, mixed with the dust and blood and his clothes were completely crimson.

Xi Ansel made him eat those stomped medicinal herbs and pills because if Ji Jian were to die then, he would automatically fail the test and teleport along with Ji Jian near the 1st stair and eventually all his efforts would be for nothing.

'Ah! shit! to think, I would react so much after this bastard's provocation", Xi Ansel sighed deeply. The only thing Xi Ansel hated was if someone were to say something about his love.

After stuffing Ji Jian with all the medicinal herbs and crushed pills lying on the floor, he kicked him so hard that Ji Jian rolled from 9000th stair to 8000th.....and finally dropped from the 1st floor. The stairs he went by was followed by a wide line of blood. It was as if a river of blood was flowing from the mountains.

As Ji Jian dropped from the first stair, immediately the elders rushed towards him and checked his conditions. Upon seeing that he is still breathing they sighed in relief.

" How vicious for a brat to do this!", all the elders glared towards Xi Ansel with hostility.

Upon seeing this Xi Ansel was frowning deep inside, ' Hmm! when I was the one kicked, you simply ignored but when I kicked him you started shitting your pants, just because he is from a prestigious family. What a bunch of hypocrites.'

While Xi Ansel was in deep thought, he suddenly heard the same familiar voice from the peak, " HAHA! Brat, I truly didn't make a mistake in judging you. COME!".

This time the voice was much clear than before but then something strange happened, the pressure surrounding Xi Ansel suddenly decreased.

Xi Ansel while smiling waved his hand towards the unconscious Ji Jian and slowly muttered, "Okay, Bye! Kill You Later!"