15TH January 4. AM

What a bitter taste regret has! Stoki at this moment kneeled to the ground slowly in a feeble manner, crouching under his bad with pain and tears streaming down his hollowed cheeks . The Angel finally revitalised his valor. Nagger was impressed by the vigor that the Angel had gained recently .

She stood in the middle of the room. The Angel in her right, the Devil in her left , and Stoki down right in the middle.

" It's you __" said Nagger to Stoki in a subdued tone , stopping at every word with a heavy puff of air

" It's me , __" Said Stoki to himself with the same manner but slower

"It's , we , __," resumed Nagger, " we are all one . Be it the Angel or the Devil, we are all responsible . Every human being bears those two inner voices . One says go the other retorts no . One congratulates , the other reproaches, one voice grows higher, whilst the other grows lower . It depends on you . You are the master who is given the choice to choose which voice to listen to . Opt for the one which you will not regret later ,because then what's done is done and regret is futile.

"So what's to do now" cried Stoki

"Three hours and you will be dead" the Devil sneered at Stoki, taking off his fake, deceitful mask that he was wearing all the seventy years . He was never old but so young, never small but five times bigger. His stick turned into a thick, sharp sword .

He metamorphosed into a giant monster. His appearance was petrifying to that degree that Stoki retreated quickly to the back wall of the room . He was a real wolf in sheep's clothing .

"What's the point of awakening him now. It's too late"

"It's never late," the Angel interrupted, " It doesn't matter where or when you die , but which matters is how you die. Courageous , moral , noble men die with HONOUR. Cowardly men die with SHAME . Never fear death, but terrify never beginning to live ."

The Angel stopped to let Stoki digest the last sentence and then resumed

"The Devil has forgotten that everything is in your hands , Stoki. It's your thoughts that nurture the Devil and make him stronger. We have a chance to obliterate him if you believe in me _in the dot of goodness that's within you . Get rid of every evil thoughts now before he throttles my faint light "

Stoki closed his eyes , took a deep breath, and screamed

" I believe that the dot of goodness within me is enough to take the Devil out of me."

He repeated it three times with a sincere outcry coming from the very depth of his heart . During The last one something magical happened ; the Angel grew as big as the Devil , his small wings turned six times wider with strong, dazzling light . His beard grew whiter like the snow , his eyes glittering like gold , and his radiance sent stripes of lights in all directions . Now his chance to counteract the evil was higher.

"Life is not for good and evil , but only a place for good or evil. Let's see now whose place " said the Angel gallantly, gripping the the handle of his sword with resolution and unfaltering conviction .

As the Devil felt the forceful vigour of the Angel, he drew his sword from its sheath , and swung it in the sight of the Angel . Instantaneously, the Angel dodged it, took his sword, and thrust it into the Devil's chest . Though it was a direct hit , the Devil was not yet destroyed.

The fierce battle between the good and the evil lasted too long till dawn. The two parties were both exhausted and deadly injured. When the mellow sun throw its light through the small upper window , the Angel thereupon used the blade of his sword to reflex light into the direction of the Devil .

The thickness of the Devil's darkness dwindled with the light . With all his remaining power, the Angel legendarily threw his sword upwards, jumped and rested it in the dark heart of the Devil , whose darkness was lost in the sun's warm lights. Finally, the light returned to the room after a lengthy cold , dark night.

Stoki gaily stood fresh than ever , not afraid from death or anything else.The gigantic evil spirit was exorcised from his shrunken body . All the pain that was haunting him years come and years gone dissipated in this moment of redemption. He eventually laughed after he had forgotten the meaning of laughter. Glowing with joy , Stoki enchanted happily till he slept as if he had never slept before,

"Whatever the Devil does, the Angel always triumphs in the end"

One hour later, the guard opened the cell. He stood motionless as he saw a faint, lanky body of an old man lain on bare cold floor with his head up and a smiling noble countenace. He immediately kneeled next to him to check what happened.

"Dead?" asked the guard in a hardly audible voice

Yes, dead…

BEST quote:

"It is never late to do the right thing"