6. Enemy?

Now I was already done with my fruit training, and I must say I really got pretty far if I say so myself. I tested many different applications of my fruit. For example, the Heat Domain or Cold Domain that I first used have gotten way better, I can now rise the temperature in my domain pretty high, even granny had some difficulties to defend against it. Of course without the use of haki.

Of course it wasn't as high as the Heat Heat fruit, but the good point in my Heat Domain is, that the temperature is everywhere in my domain, as such its more of a passive debuff that one had to suffer from, as long as they were inside my domain, instead of a direct attack that can be dodged. The same for my Cold Domain.

Next I made a domain to teleport. Right teleportation. And I didn't even had to think that much about it, I simply wanted it to have this property. But of course I could only teleport inside my domain. And it was extremely taxing. I can at most teleport 3 times at the moment before reaching my absolute limit and loosing a good half of my combat power.

So my fruit is really convenient, as I simply had to wish for the property that I want it to have.

But something that I found out while training with my Teleportation Domain is, that if I can put a principal behind, why it works, it consumes less stamina, with this I could increase my limit from 2 times to 3 times. The principle I have now for my domain, is that I picture it as a sheet of paper, and if I fold this sheet of paper in can cross the distance that's normally big to as small as a simple step.

I did the same with my Heat and Cold Domains, as I simply pictured the atoms inside to vibrate faster or slower, respectively. That was also how I made my domain strong enough to give grandma some problems with them.

So I could not only let my domains consume less stamina, but also become stronger, after giving them a principle behind them.

But of course I don't only have these three domains.

I also have my Silent Domain, with the principle, of making my domain boundaries as walls, where the sound waves will be reflected back. But I couldn't make it as perfect as the fruit of Corazon. Some sound waves would still escape my domain. But without Observation Haki, or a very good hearing sense, it was still nearly impossible to hear what happened inside.

Next I made an Attack Domain. To find the principle behind this one was actually pretty tough, or better put hard to imagine. As first I had the same idea as with the Teleportation Domain and imagine the domain as a sheet of paper that I will fold and then punch the other side of the paper, but the problem with this one was, that it still consumed a massive amount of stamina. I could at most do 10 punches before I reached my limit.

This had me honestly stumped for quite some time. Until one day it suddenly clicked. I am a domain human, and the domain is practically an extension of my power, so why not think of the whole domain as my body. And of course I can reach anywhere within my body with the right muscle.

After that my previous limit of 10 uses instantly reached 40, but it still wasn't enough for me, as this time the problem didn't lie with my physical exhaustion but the mental one. But I then soon found a relatively easy solution. Simply make the motion with my body. It not only eased my mental exhaustion, it even made the attack more powerful. But why that is I still don't know.

And so my new and actual limit with my Attack Domain reached a 100 attacks until I reached complete exhaustion.

After the Attack Domain my next idea was for an Defensive Domain. This one again easier to realize and even the principle is pretty easy. I simply imagin the air before the incoming attack condensing to the extreme, as such the attack had to spent more force in order to reach me.

With this I had the idea for a Constriction Domain, where I used the same principle as with the defensive one, but instead to compress the air before an incoming attack I would compress the air around my enemy.

I even had the idea to use gravity to further restrict the opponent, but I instantly regretted that, as it drained my stamina so quick, that after just 10 seconds I lay on the ground panting hard. And I didn't  even raise the gravity by that much only twice the normal amount.

But except the drain it was pretty good, as it caused granny some problems to adjust to that gravity, so it is s good trump card, but anything else had to wait for later.

And lastly some auxiliary domains, like a Warning Domain, that would alert me if someone crossed into my domain, the Transmission Domain, to secretly send messages to someone inside my domain, and lastly the Search Domain, where I could give search parameters for my domain and it would automatically notify me of where the thing or person that met these criterion's were inside my domain. For these I didn't have a principle yet, as I didn't know how they work, or better how I could more effectively use them.

As for my range with my fruit, well it reached around 750 cm in every direction, so it's much higher then the first time I used it,but it still had a long way before I could use it in a fight against strong opponents, as 750cm are really nothing to them, heck even I can cross this distance in 1 seconds at my top speed.


Just as I was musing about my progress in my fruit in these last years I heard someone coming closer from the direction of the beach.

Is it Granny? No she would simply teleport here. Then do we have guests? Ha, who am I kidding me and granny hadn't contact with anyone except the shopkeepers in some random islands for our necessities and the kids my grandma tried to have me playing with when I was younger.

Then if it is not granny, and not guests then that only leaves enemy's. So did CP-0 not give up after all these years and have finally found us?

Ah what am I doing here standing stupidly in the open and thinking such unnecessary thoughts.

I have to hide and make an sneak attack. Even though I doubt it doing anything with my current strength, but I won't go under without a fight.

Having made up my mind, I took a wooden sword from the weapon rack, even though I haven't trained in the sword yet, but it is still better than the fists of an 8 year old. Well even though I might look like a giant for normal human standards.

Ah I have these unnecessary thoughts again.

Quick I have to find a good hiding spot.

As I watched my surroundings and considering the voices I hear coming from the beach, I can see a pretty good hiding spot, a big old tree that stood by the roadside and just before the training field.

After confirming my hiding spot I make my way there as fast as I could.

I have already lost enough time standing in the middle of the field like an idiot. The voices of the enemy's grew louder. They should be here soon.

Can't waste more time.

I quickly climb the tree and think about a plan.

First I use my Silent Domain to mask the noise I might make as good as I can. Then I took of the track suit I was wearing.

Even though granny said to never take it of, this is an emergency, can't have the 1 ton of extra weight lessen my already slim chances of succeeding in making a meaningful sneak attack.

After taking the suit off I felt as light as a feather, and I think my speed at least doubled.

After thinking for a bit and calculating in my mind, I decided that I was a bit too high on the tree. My domain would only cover the 7.5 meters around me, but I was a good 15 meters above ground.

I climbed to around 9 meters above ground and sat ready. My Silent Domain still active.

I waited there for the enemy, and the voices came ever so closer, and the closer they got the more familiar one of the voices seemed to be.

Ah stop thinking about such unnecessary thing and concentrate. I only had one chance and I had to grasp it. If only I could use my Alert Domain, but I can't I can only use one domain at the same time.

Or so I thought, but as I was concentrating on the voices and calculating when that would be in my attack range, something incredible happened, I made a breakthrough and I could now overlap two domains at the same time. And even my range seemed to have increased, but before I could rejoice, the Alert Domain already did its job and warned me of two presences crossing into my domain.

I grabbed the sword in both my hands and it felt incredible, it felt like I finally found my long lost lover, a very intimate feeling welling inside me.

Stop! Concentrate now is the time, you can't go down without at least trying.

I calmed down and switched the Alert and Silent Domain with the Search and Teleportation Domains, as search parameters I went for living being, and I could instantly sense exactly where they are. Two humanoid beings, both pretty tall even bigger than me.

I will go for the bigger one.

I instantly teleport myself behind the bigger opponent but not to the ground, but the air. Just the right height for me to simply swing my sword at his neck.

Even while I wasn't yet teleported fully, I already switched the Search Domain for my Cold Domain, so that I can freeze his body a bit, to give me more time to attack.

And as soon as I fully materialise behind the enemy I choose I already switched my Teleportation Domain with the Constriction Domain and I don't hesitate to use my trump card of gravity all to slow my enemy even more down.

And then I stabbed with the wooden sword as hard as I could at the neck of the intruder.

Even though this took some time to describe, it all happened very quickly, the moment when I sensed them entering my Domain to the moment I stabbed, not even the time to blink passed.

But I was still too slow or week it seemed, as just as my sword reached the neck of the bigger fellow it turned pitch black. Armament Haki. I'm screwed.

Well at least I tried.

After seeing the haki and knowing I failed, the drawback of all my rapid uses of my various domains, the teleportation and even using gravity finally got to me as I blacked out.

But before I completely lost consciousness I heard a hearty laugh of a male and the dissatisfied grunt of a female, that sounded all too familiar.


Then only darkness.