16. Meeting my first Pirates

I was now saying for a good week. And if I could trust the maps, that Rayleigh left on the boat, then I should be half way to my destination if I read them right.

This past week was relatively uneventful. Sure the weather was crap, but except that? Nothing else.

So I was doing the same as when I did on Rogers ship, running in my Compress Domain, but not until I collapsed anymore, I was alone now after all, and didn't have an overpowered Uncle with me, who could protect me when some pirates attacked. My other training were too only with half the intensity. So that I had at least the basic strength to defend myself.

It would have been better to stop training, but I really didn't want to do that, as I really want to get stronger.

And since I only go through the motions with my sword, to not get rusty and mainly meditate on my devil fruit it was still OK. And I am still able to fight.

I'm glad I did it like that, as in front of me were a ship full of pirates, staring at me with greed and some apprehension, but mostly greed.

The apprehension came from the fact, that as they were nearing me they fired their cannons, but I simply activated my Attack Domain and then with my sword I cut all of them down.

That was also presumably reason they didn't attack directly and are simply staring at me for now.

The stare down between us continued for a while. I had no intention to stop the situation for now, as I wasn't sure yet what I wanted to do.

Although I fought many beasts, but they were only beasts and I always knew that Mother Aria had my back.

So I was still at a loss for what to do. And even if it came to fight, if I should kill them or simply left them heavily injured.

I wasn't like Luffy who didn't kill any of his enemys, I knew I would kill in the future. But for now?

Well I had never killed anyone until now so I still hesitated a bit for now.

A rude voice interrupted my inner monologue. It belonged to a big bearded fellow, that looked like some normal cannon fodder.

„You kid! Its your luck to run into us the great Black Ogre Pirates, as we will not kill you. Just give us all you have. You are also pretty strong, so if you beg for mercy I will even let you join us, even letting you directly become one of my officers. Kuhauhauhau."

„Yeah kid you should join us, you are pretty good."

„Kid you should count yourself lucky, that Captain Ogre had taken a fancy to you."

The last comment somehow disturbed me. Invoking a deep feeling of disgust in me. It also slightly swayed my hesitation in one direction.

„Ugh sorry but even if you fancy me, I don't swing that way, so I have to kindly refuse. I even give you a counter offer. Just get out of my sight and I will not only !eave you with your belongings but also won't hurt you."

The Captain Ogre, or something grew red with my statement. He then slapped the pirate who spoke those lines across the ship, then he turned to me. His anger already vented he once again tried to invite me.

„Kid you should think again. Even though you are strong, can you really fight with 40 of my man, not to mention I have a bounty of 50 million on my head."

Oh just 50 million, so he is really just some cannon fodder.

Then I don't have to worry.

And his last statement and actions also let me think, that I want to beat them up.

About killing them, I still hadn't made up my mind.

„Cut the crap! I never heard of you. And I don't care about a small fry like you, so get out of my way or do you really want me to beat you guys up?"

I decided to be a bit more aggressive and provoke them, since I already decided to fight. As I knew that angry opponent tend to make mistakes.

And it had indeed the desired effect, as just when I finished speaking, some of the lower ranks already angrily jumped at me to fight.

The Captain Ogre, although angry too, still held back and let his subordinates test the waters.

Bad idea.

[Attack Domain]

A 120 meter big round domain surrounded me, I then drew my sword.

[First Move – Sieging]

I directly used the first move of my Black Oni Gate Sword Art that my master taught me.

I slashed a few dozen times in 5 seconds and had them all transmitted with the help of my Attack Domain.

The results were something I didn't expect.

I aimed at the 5 pirates, that directly attacked me with 3 slashes each. One to their weapon hand, one against their chest, and the last to their leg.

I did this to hinder them from defending my slashes by directly aiming at their weapon hand and even if they overcome the first swing they would then only have time to defend one area, so they would then naturally choose the attack aimed at their chest. And the third slash to their leg would thus connect, resulting in incapacitation.

The rest of my slashes were aimed at twenty pirates, each with two slashes, one to their chest and one to their leg. I didn't has to aim at their weapon hand, as they weren't ready for an attack, so they should only be able to defend against one of the slashes at best.

I even send five slashes at that Captain Ogre. One to each of his limbs, and in to his chest too.

Now for my surprise.

No one among the low ranks were able to even defend one slash from me, as such they all lay now on the floor groaning. And the power of my attacks were a little to powerful for them too it seems, as I directly chopped every leg I aimed for off and the wound on their chest were deep enough to see the bones and even some internal organs. As for the five pirates that jumped at me? Well the fell directly into the gap between the two ships and into the sea. They also lost an additional arm, to their leg and open chest.

Ugh I feel a little like puking, seeing this gory scene.

But I had to held it in, as in contrast to the overwhelmingly weak display of these low rank members, their captain showed outstanding results.

As soon as my domain expanded he already could feel something amiss and when I attacked his skin suddenly grew black. But not the black of armament Haki, fortunately, or else I could only flee. But still the defensive power of his skin shot through the roof and all my slashes only left shallow wounds on his limbs and chest.

He was stronger than I thought.

One should understand, that my swordsmanship has already reached the peak of the first realm and for my physical body? Well I'm the son of Whitebeard, I think I don't have to say any more. And sure I still wore my training suit, but still. To so simply shrug my blow of, he should!d have been at least as strong as some of the weak supernovas in 20 years time. So how come he only has a bounty of 50 million.

I wasn't the only one shocked. Even the Black Ogre Pirates were stunned. I decimated their numbers by half in an instant and I even wounded the Captain, that was invincible in their eyes.

„So strong, even the captain was wounded."

„Gasp, yeah. Luckily he didn't aim at me."

„You! How dare you harm my men!? You really pissed me off, now prepare to die!"

As Captain Ogre roared he jumped towards my ship and while in midair he began to transform. His whole build that was slightly on the lean side, suddenly grew bulky and his original height, that could only reach above my navel, instantly grew to be the same as me, if not a bit taller. He also grew some tuskes out of his mouth and his entire skin grew black.

„A devil fruit huh?"

„Yes! I ate the Ancient Zoan Human Human Fruit, Model:Ogre! But I'm not the only one who ate a devil fruit no?"

„True, but I'm not stupid enough to say what my fruit is."


As I provoked my enemy even more I switched from my Attack Domain to the Mist Domain, as else I would probably not last the entire fight with this Ogre. I can't underestimate the regenerative ability and endurance of an Ancient Zoan.

Suddenly loosing sight of me, the target of the rage of the ogre, made Captain Ogre even angrier, but as he couldn't see in this mist and not finding an outlet for his rage, he started to wildly thrashed the club, that hung at his waist in a wild fashion all around himself, damaging the ship.

As I was on the ocean, where there is a lot of water around, my Mist Domain was pretty strong and the sight was reduced to only arms reach.

But since I could sense all what was within my domain, I could already see the raging ogre. It seemed like his devil fruit did indeed give him great strength, but his IQ seemed to have fallen, together with his rage, it completely clouded his judgement. As the best way to deal with my Mist Domain, was staying calm and relying on their other senses.

Don't underestimate the height of the other five senses of a human body in this world. One should still hear my footsteps, if they are quiet and concentrate inside a certain range.

Of course I would be pretty close already, if one were able to hear the silent steps of mine that I trained when I was hunting inside the forests, since I was young. But it was better than nothing.

As now all I had to was moving to the blind spot of the ogre and then attack at the right moment.

That was also the thing I did. I slowly made my way towards my opponents blind spot, I tried to make as little noise as possible.

I soon reached around 5 meters away from him, which was already inside my attack range.

The sword, which I carried since the day Mother Aria teleported me from the island, was around 4 meters long and about 10 centimeters wide.

My arms were also pretty long, around 160 cm. So I will be sure to hit from a distance of 5 meters.

Now I only had to wait for the ogre in front of me to begin his next swing. As mid swing was when it was hardest to change the trajectory of the weapon to defend. The only options were to forcefully do so, which would weaken the defense, or to abandon the weapon and defend barehanded, which would be even better.

Even though his sword wasn't anything special, but it was still sharp enough to easily cut through flesh. Which it already proofed by cutting countless beasts down during the last few years hunting.

Here it is!

[Fourth move – Enter]

My fastest and most strongest move currently.

I thrust with precision and strong momentum, directly towards the lower spine region. I didn't want to kill this guy.

Yeah that's eight I decided to not killing these pirates, simply crippling them for life and taking all they have is enough for now.

This strike would end it, as I was too close, and even if he can dodge or block, I will still strike an area that will make him unable to continue fighting. And even if I overestimated my power, it would still heavily injure the ogre, making the following fight even easier.

The next moment, something I didn't expect occurred.

I was still a bit green and soft.

The ogre turned around and swung his weapon, but not to defend his stomach, which was now the new target of my attack, but to attack me. An attack to the head.

I would have still been able to dodge or block, if I weren't stunned by this sudden development.

But my attack still went through its new target, as I simply did nothing, but to keep my attack up.

And the next moment, the club hit my head.

I was lucky, that this attack was kinda forced, so it only made me dizzy for a bit and threw me back, towards the other side of my ship.