34. God and Offering

„So you are the one, freeing all our offerings. And you even brought two of them away?"


Offering? What does he mean?


"Ah doesn't matter, I will bring you all back, and now with you, we can compensate the loss of the few animals, we had to kill, thanks to your actions. We even win a bit in the end."


The man who stood in the front let out a bloody and cold smirk.


I was still processing what he said.


Offering? Does that mean he wanted to offer Alex? Sacrificing her in some sick ritual?




My gaze suddenly turned cold, as I drew Rokku no Eiko, and I released my Conquerors Haki and the bloodlust of the sword unconsciously.


The roughly 50 men, standing behind the man, who spoke, took a few steps back or directly fainted, once they felt my aura. Even the man, who I assume is the chief of the tribe, as he wore some kind of crown, made out of bones and the tattoos on his body were slightly more colorful and looked more majestic?  If that even made sense, lost his smile and his face turned grim.


"The Color of the Supreme King? You are no ordinary young man. Once we sacrifice you, God should be pleased, maybe he will even bless us with another Color."


Huh another color? Does that mean the man in front of me knows Haki?


Doesn't matter.


I have to kill him either way.


The next moment I lunged towards him, thrusting my sword towards his heart.


In the same Moment I also activated multiple domains.


 [Double Domain – Constriction Domain – Pull Domain]


I used the Constriction and Pull Domains, in order to catch him off guard and restrict him from dodging.


But even with this, I didn't hit him. He seemed to have already anticipated what I wanted to do, so he used the effect of my Pull Domain after slightly sidestepping to dodge behind me with extreme speed.


He formed a fist and punched at my neck, intend in knocking me out.


Not with me!


Sure he was fast, but not as fast as Rear Admiral Horin with Soru. So, I had enough time to switch from a stab to a sweep, and turning around, now his fist was directed towards my shoulder instead of my neck.


The tribe leader was smaller than me, around 3 meters, meaning his reach was also below mine, so now he had to decide, continue his attack, hitting me in a non-vital area, and suffering a sweep from my sword, aimed at his torso, and I'm sure, to cut his arm of, if he had no armament haki and blocked or cut deep into his chest, killing him, if he doesn't block. My sword was after all at the peak of Supreme Grade Swords. Or to stop his attack and dodge my own.


My two domains were not only for show, so the restriction, he suffered slowed him enough for him to be forced to make the decision, as his speed wasn't enough for both. Attacking and then dodging my attack.


But he again didn't fluster and seemed to have predicted my actions, so he again used the force of my Pull Domain, to speed up and slid between my legs towards my back. He even used this moment to punch upwards towards my privates.




I roared as I jumped upwards in order to dodge.


How dare he!


I switched my Pull Domain with the Windblade Domain.


Midair I cut heavily towards the tribal chief, firing a strong windblade at him, which used all the power stored inside my Pull Domain, I also used my Sword Force and increased the gravity around the Tribe Leader by three times.


I could see him pale a bit, seems like you didn't predict that asshole. But he still managed to rotate his body by a bit. So instead of bisecting him, as intended, I only managed to cut his right arm off.


Serves you right, for trying such a low blow.


While I was still midair, I quickly changed my Windblade and Constrction Domain for the Teleport and a small Loop Domain, just seven meters, which is exactly my Attack Reach, around me.


Once I stabilized myself, I directly teleported behind the Tribal Leader, who was still on the ground clutching his stump, where his arm once was. When I was finished my teleportation, I switched the Teleportation Domain back to the Constriction Domain, and directly applied the three times gravity back on the chief in front of me.


[First Move – Roc spreading its Wing]


I used my strongest move this time. The Chief, although still in pain, still reacted in time and jumped backwards, trying to make distance, buying time for him to dodge. But what he didn't expect, was that instead of getting away from me, he instead appeared behind me. But the first move of my own Core Technique is an omnidirectional attack, so at the end, he is even closer to the attack, than before. Making him unable to dodge my attack, resulting in him being decapitated.


Before I could celebrate my victory, something unexpected happened again. My own move suddenly reversed its direction, moving towards me now. No instead of reversing its direction its better to say, it teleported, to the opposite side of my domain, while keeping its initial movement the same.



I had no time to be shocked as I quickly used my First Move again, allowing me to block the previous one, there was even some extra left. So I quickly canceled the Loop Domain, making the residue of my second use, travel some distance before dissipating.


That was close. I nearly died due to my own Attack.


But it is also good to know, that something like this is possible. This is a direction worth studying.


Just imagine you fought someone, and suddenly the person attacked behind himself, you thinking he is stupid attack him, but suddenly you get stabbed in the back by said enemy's attack.


Just imagining the look on my opponents face….




It's hilarious!




OK. Enough of that. First let me deal with the problem at hand.


I looked at the hunter, who followed their chief to this place, making them all shiver. I mean I just killed their chief, and although I had a bit of a problem at the start, but I still killed him in under 5 exchanges.


Well it had a bit to do with me catching him offguard with the sudden gravity increase and my teleportation plus the Loop. If he knew beforehand what my domains could do, this could have gone differently. Especially as he had Observation Haki.


Yeah he had it. Just think about how he seemingly predicted my intentions. That's exactly what you can do with observation. He also said they may gain another Color, which meant they already knew one kind of haki. And if they had known Conquerors or Armament I could have told. Since I have Conquerors myself and his arms didn't get black, so he didn't use Armament either. That only leaves Observation.


But I also think that his Observation Haki wasn't that strong, or else he should have been able to predict or react to my moves better, even if he didn't expect them.




As I looked at the 50 men, they all started to shake, and even more succumbed to my Conquerors and Bloodlust, which I still subconsciously emitted. Leaving only 4 men standing.


These four were all different from the rest, as their Tattoos were a bit more complicated then the others, but not as complicated and majestic as the tribe leader.


They also each had a unique weapon.


The other men, without exception all had spears in their hands and brown on their back. But these four, one had a small broadsword, another a big Saber, the other had daggers, and the last one, he had surprisingly a whip.


I deactivated my domains, as they didn't seem that strong and I was already very exhausted. Yes, the fight just now was very short, but I used one big move after the other. Also I only just recovered a bit of my stamina after the exhausting afternoon and rescue activity. So I ran on fumes. But I can't seem weak, so I simply stared at them coldly.


"So, what are you planning on doing? Want to capture me too? Then come!"


I was bluffing. Well at least halve. True I was exhausted, but I would fight them to the death if they decided to try and capture us. I won't allow them to hurt Alex again.


They quivered a bit under my intense stare and looked at each other.


Then they seemingly came to a conclusion and fell to their knees. The one on the front was the one with the Saber spoke.


"Oh great one, please forgive us, sinners, for finding trouble with you and have mercy. We will do anything you say. Your orders are our command."


I didn't trust them. So I went ahead and used the Liar Detection Domain and the Intention Domain, even though I'm exhausted. But I needed the additional safety.


"Is that so? Then tell me about this Offering."


The men hearing my question hesitated again and were looking at each other. And just as I was loosing my patience ready to attack, the Saber guy spoke again.


"Great One, the Offering, the Chief spoke of is something that happens once a year. It all started 25 years ago.


It was a normal day for us tribesmen, I was just a small boy at that time. God fell from the sky.


He was injured, so we treated him. When he recovered, he was very grateful and taught us about the outside world, including the three types of haki. Well at least we thought he was grateful…"


"Barho, stop! You can't speak like that about God. You will be punished!"


"Shut up, Seiran! The Great One might be able to help free us…."


Oh interesting, seems like this Island isn't what it appears to be.


"It turned out, that God, didn't tell us out of goodwill, but he wanted to incite the greed of our chief. He told him, that he would teach him all these things he talked about, if he were to Offer him things. Mostly beautiful women, men, food and wine. Our Chief readily agreed, and started this ritual of Offering. But God was very picky and often didn't like what we offered, so he refused to teach the Chief anythjng.


Still the Chief never failed to make an Offering, telling the tribesmen, that it's only right and proper to worship God, who knew much more than us and was more powerful than us.


That was until 5 years ago, another outsider came to this island. A young man and his friends. Under these friends of the young man was a very beautiful woman. Upon encountering them, and seeing, as the Offering was near, the Chief decided to capture them and use them as Offering.


Although they came from outside, the same as God, but they were very weak, as such they were easily captured.


When it came to the day of the Offering, we presented God our sacrifices as usual, and although he was surprised to see outsiders, he didn't mind, and took them all with him inside his temple. Then we didn't know what happened, but a few minutes after God went into his temple a massive aura swept across our whole village, knocking majority unconscious, followed by loud raucous laughter from God.


The next day God finally taught our Chief, Observation Haki, saying that he was very pleased with the last Offering and to keep up the good work. Since then, we always captured all Outsiders that came onto this island and kept them alive until the next offering.


Which also led to today's events. That's all I know, Great One."


Hmm .. strange and interesting for sure.