Strength & Doubts

Well I'm here to clear some of your doubts or problems with my fic.

First of all, many think that the strength system that I introduced is too xianxia, well let me tell you that I did this because I think it's better to understand the strength of people if I did this. And yes, I'm aware that something like this doesn't exist in the original One Piece. But you guys should be aware, that this is a fanfic! Not the original story. I find such strength realms easier to write honestly. This is my first fiction which I wrote for so many chapters, so sorry for going the easy route.

Then, before I go on about the hidden clans, let me make something clear. What I write is a Fanfiction! I made my story play during the time period it plays due to various factors, one, it still gives relatively big freedom for my own storyline to play and develop, as not much is known what happened during this time.

Two, I didn't want it to play parallel to luffys journey, not only for the freedom, but also for the fact, that if I want to read about the story of that time, then I go ahead and read One Piece again. I personally don't like the fictions that play on the ship of luffy or around it, as you have to somehow include them into your story, if your story happens during this time period. This is because the author of the fanfic, will rarely be able to compare to the storytelling of oda and the story will become kinda predictable, and somewhat boring. this isn't to say that One Piece is boring. No! What I mean is, that you already know about the adventure of luffy, for the most part. That's also part of the reason, why I would never join the straw hats, if I were to arrive at One Piece, it would simply be a boring adventure, where I already know much of the story. Then why do I even go on it, or in case of a Fqnfic, write it? Just to tell an already amazingly told story? For what?

Next for the hidden clans. Well true they are very powerful. And one clan can probably wipe all the marines and cp off the earth, but I think you forget about one important thing, or better person, Imu-sama. I refuse to believe, that the World Government could stand strong for such a long time, only with the strength of the marines and Cp. I think Imu-sama is probably the strongest person alive in One Piece. With strength, surpassing, anything we saw until now. With my Power levels, I would put Imu-sama above the Pirate King level or at the very peak. So the clans, would be wiped out by Imu-sama if they were to ever rebel. Next, some of you thought it is improbable for the CP to try and take the child of a hidden clan, since they are so strong, but who is it that decides when CP takes action? The five elders. And the five elders know about Imu-sama and her power. so they know they can do something like, taking the child of some branch members, without trouble, as they have the backing of Imu-sama, so they still act like they did.

Also, you shouldn't see the hidden clans, as a single entity like the marines, more like the ROCKS Pirates, were there was probably much internal conflict. So how could they act as one and attack the world? And for them allying? Don't joke. They would probably be like loose sand. They lack a leader who could make them submit, and control them. And even if they did, so what? Imu-sama could still take them out.

As for why Imu-sama hasn't eradicated them yet, since there are some clans of D. under the hidden clans? Why should he/she? They were traitors, who aided him/her in his/her campaign to destroy the ancient kingdom. Would you cross the bridge after crossing it? This would send a wrong impression to her followers. Also, he/she doesn't see them as true members of the D. anymore, just some more subjects to rule from the shadows.

For how they could stay hidden? Well, One Piece World is huge no? There are many islands, some in the calm belt. And these clans are ancient, it would be not so surprising, if they found ways to travel the calm belt, don't you think? As for Enemy's to fight, training their haki? There are plenty of strong and unknown wonders in the world. if one wishes to, they surly will find them. There may also be fights between those clans, where they could hone themselves. Or maybe some Pirates or so stumbled onto their home, thus fighting these Pirates and killing them? I think One Piece, offers enough space and strong beings to let these guys fight. Just look at Zunesha in Canon. Who could fight it? And you guys are telling me that Zunesha is the only hidden monster in this world? I think we are still underestimating just how big One Piece is. Ah by the way aren't minks a kind of hidden clan as well? And they could already be considered strong, or don't you think?

!!!!!!!! WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!!!!!!

Next, I saw many comments, saying the Mc is too weak? Well for the first fights, before the two years fighting Pirates, he was simply an inexperienced brat, a flower grown in a greenhouse, as his life was never in danger. And if you carefully read, you could see, that the fight was still over after a few moves, he struggled, because he was surprised at the ruthlessness of the enemy, getting injured. And his other fight, let's not talk about it.

As for after the 2 years hunting? Well he was surprised and had trouble with the enemy's speed, nothing more. And this fight, too was over in under ten exchanges. Sure he was suppressed, at the beginning, but most is because of his lack of experience. like his lack of experiencing soru before that fight. So I'm sorry if the MC is too weak.

!!!!!!!!!?!Spoiler End!!!!!!!!!!

I deliberately made the MC struggle by the way, as one I think power isn't everything, and the gaps in strength and level can be overcome with experience. That's the logical explanation. The illogical, and my personal thought is, that I simply dislike MCs, who are super strong at a young age. Yes, his first fight was with 14 and he is currently 16, but I still think, he is too young to be super strong. So I deliberately held him back for now. A small nerve if you want. But what do you guys want? An OP MC who breezes through all his fights? Never having any set backs? Never struggles? How Boring! Let me tell you now, my MC will never be OP! Yes he will be strong, but that is for later and when he is older and he will still have some tough or even fights.

Ah! I nearly forgot. my quotation marks, some of you guys thought weird. Sorry to say but here where I'm from that's the normal way to put them. So my Word simply made them automatically at the bottom in the beginning. Now I have already changed my Word to English, so it should be now how you guys are used to it.

Well I think I addressed some of the main points? well if I find anything in the future, I forgot or new things, I may update this chapter here, or if there are too many spoilers, then I think I, might make it under a new auxiliary chapter.

Now let me just list all the realms or levels,of strength I came up with for this Fanfic of mine.

General level of strength(standard HQ Marine, for Marine Ranks, so you should think that generally the marines on the blues are one level lower. There are of course some exceptions.)

Cadet/Blue's Pirate

Lieutenant/Paradise Pirate

Captain/Paradise Pirate Captain

Commodore /New World Pirate

Rear Admiral/Yonko Crew Pirate

New Vice Admiral/ New World Pirate Captain (Haki Required)

Veteran Vice Admiral/Yonko Commander

Admiral/First Mate (Advanced Haki required)

Fleet Admiral/Yonko

Pirate King Level (For this you have to fulfill a certain condition, which I don't want to mention here)

Each Tier have 4 stages Low Mid High Peak.

For the Vice Admiral level, there is such a huge gap between them, that I decided to split them in two levels.

As for the Admiral/Right Hand Commander tier, I have to say, that the gap, that they cover may be nearly as great as the Vice Admiral level, as more often than not, there exist a very big chasm between a Yonko and his Commanders, for example, Big Mom and her kids. I fill this gap with Admirals and First Mates. But only because I wanted to have an Pirate equivalent for each marine rank. Since, as far as I know, all those, who have the title of First mate/Right hand man, were also on Yonko level. Rayleigh for example. Ben Beckman too, as he was put on the same level as Shanks, with the sun and the moon. But I could be wrong too.

Also remember, that the official position of a marine or Pirate, may not reflect their true strength. Best example being Garp. As I would put him on the Pirate King level already, as he fulfilled the condition I had set. At least in my mind.

This condition also isn't something that I completely made up, well at least not one part of it, but it's a theorie of mine. I don't know if someone else ,may also thinks so, as I didn't research it. The other part, is something I copied from another fic I read once, but I don't think this is true. other than the first part, which I believe in, to at least have a chance of existing.