I was downstairs at eight am sharp. Officer Calderon was waiting against the elevator when I walked out.

"Good morning Violet. I'm going to walk you to work. You'll be working as a baker in a cafe. It's a three-block walk from here." I nodded my head at him, walking out the front door to the building.

"Okay Violet, I'm going to come retrieve you from work at five pm." What am I, a dog?

"Yes, sir" We walked into the building, it's a nice little coffee shop. Round tables and chairs sat all around. A bookcase sat all the way in the far right corner, the bakery display sitting in the middle with delicious cakes in the glass case.

"Lana, this is Violet. She just arrived, she'll be your help for as long as she is with me."

"Oh wonderful, Cliff. I'm excited to have some help with all these orders coming in. We'll need all the help we can get." Lana smiled at me, turning to me. "Come on, I'll show you where to get started."

We went behind the bakery counter, going into the kitchen. Everything looked spotless, it's definitely one of the cleanest places I've ever been in because the kitchen in prison was a pig sty compared to this. Prison isn't rainbows and sunshine but I'm looking at the brighter side of things. It's definitely great to get out of that grimy prison and into some fresh air. I'm definitely ready to forget everything about my past and start fresh. I want to be called Vi, hoping to start over in life. I've already faced the fact that I'm always going to have this burden and be labeled a murderer, even though I don't know what happened. I want to clear my name, but how the hell am I going to do that. It's not like I can go to the police and say 'Hey I want my criminal file' they'd laugh at me.

Turning my head, smiling at her, "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be called Vi."

She gave a smile in return. "Sure Vi."

"Thanks for taking a chance on me."

She turned to me, staring intensely into my soul. "I can't help but wonder, how did you end up in prison. You seem like you're a sweet girl. I don't know your story but I'm going to give you a fresh start. You can be anyone you want to be here." I started to tear up a little because it's been a while since someone had shown compassion for me like this. It feels like I might actually have a chance at starting over.

"Okay Lana, let's get started then." I smiled.

"I like the way you think Vi, your partner Sage should be—the door bursting open, cutting Lana off—that'll be her."

I turned my head to the door. Standing in the doorway was a small, petite, white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a scar covering from her left ear down to her chin.

"Sage, this is Vi. She will work with us for a while."

Sage walked behind the island, sticking her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Sage."


"Alright ladies," Lana clapped her hands together, "Let's get to work. Sage showed Vi what to do while I mind the front." Lana walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay then, have you ever baked before?" Sage asked.


Sage chuckled, "Okay, we have some work cut out for us." We spent the rest of the afternoon with Sage laughing as I failed miserably to knead dough.

Cliff was true to his word. He was outside to 'retrieve' me at five pm. I remember how to get back to the apartment from here, but I have to be watched like a child because that just comes from being on parole.

"Okay, now that you know the route back to the apartment, you're allowed to roam free, but mind your curfew. And checking in once a day."

Cue internal eye roll, "Yes sir, I know. Thank you for reminding me." He nodded his head, turning and walking into the apartment building. I saw a coffee shop two blocks away from where I work so I went to get a coffee and read a book. I ran inside the apartment to get my book before walking to get a coffee.

It was about a twenty-minute walk to the coffee shop. Once I got inside, I stood in line, placing my order. I stood in line behind a tall, muscular man with sandy blonde hair. He looked cute from the back side. He stepped off to the other side of the counter; I stepped forward, taking his place before.

"What can I get you Darlin," The cashier at the register blew a gun bubble, popping it.

"Coffee, black" I only had about five dollars and on me right now. I cannot wait for my first paycheck. I turned my head, looking at the man beside me. He had a beauty to him. Sharp cheekbones, butt-chin, rosy lips. His eyes were magnificent. I must have been staring for too long, because he was looking right at me. I turned my head back, smiling, pulling my hair behind my ear.

"Here you go. That'll be a dollar and ten cents." I handed her the change, taking my coffee and book to the cream station. I was eyeing the caramel macchiato creamer when I felt a presence to the right of me. I smelled the most heavenly scent. A heady mix of pine and mint. Turning my head, it's Mr. Mysterious.

"Hello" I spoke politely.

"Hello, I'm Clark" That name sounds familiar.

"I'm Vi." I stood my hand out for him to shake. He took his hand in mine, pulling me forward a little and landing a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, you're just really beautiful. I can't help but think, do I know you? You look so familiar."

"If it helps, my actual name is Violet Stokes." Clark looked at me for a minute, the gears turning in his head. I could see the moment of recognition in his eyes.

"I'm Clark Delacruz. Do you remember me?" I looked at him for a minute thinking, that name sounds so familiar. It finally dawned on me. I remember Clark from my childhood and teenage years. My terrible past.

"It's been a very long time, Clark." I smiled.

"It sure has Vi, eight years."

"Yeah, how have you been?"

"Hanging in there. I heard you got released. How was it in the can?" I scoffed. How can I start a new life when my past is coming back to bite me in the ass.

"Prison, well, is prison. I can't really say much else." I will not like people asking me those kinds of questions.

"Well, I would very much like to catch up. Would you like to sit down and have a chat?" He gave me his most dazzling smile. I couldn't help but swoon a little. Clark is more handsome than I remember. He sure isn't the dorky, lanky guy with the square box glasses and braces anymore. I walked over to a table with him, sitting down. I spent the rest of the evening being charmed by Clark. He made me laugh, and it felt nice to reminisce about the old days. When it was just Clark, Leanne, Ian and I. Back before my life went to hell.


"Remember something, got damn it. Tell me, did you murder Ian Bradford" The detective spat in my face.

"And I told you already—gritting my teeth together—I don't remember. I was talking to a friend, we were having some drinks and the next thing I remember, I'm waking up in a car with my boyfriend dead in the back seat. Honestly sir, I don't know." I'm exhausted. I've been here for ten hours already. I just want to go home.

"try to remember Violet because if not, you're going to prison for murder and you're too pretty for that." The detective smirked before he walked out the door. Murder? Is Ian dead?


"Violet, are you okay? You zoned out for a second." Clark looked at me, concerned. I shook my head a little to clear my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm a little tired. I got little sleep last night."

"How about I walk you home? Is that okay?" I nodded my head, gathering my book and coffee. Clark and I talked about all kinds of different things, from aliens to augmentation. It was nice and a little therapeutic. Clark and I didn't really leave off on the best foot eight years ago. It was nine pm when we arrived in front of my apartment building.

"This is me. Thanks for walking me home. Let's catch up again."

Clark smiled, handing me his phone. "Put your number in my phone so I can text you the details of our date." I grabbed his phone, entering my number.

"I just got out, Clark. We can go on our date. But I need time for myself before I really get out there. Text me and I'll let you know when I'm ready for our date." He gave a look of annoyance as I handed him back his phone. It's not like I will not give him a chance.

"Sure, no problem, I understand. I'll text you." He looked at me one last time before walking off in the direction we came from. Clark has changed. But is it for the good? I walked inside, went to the elevator, got in, and punched my floor.

"Hey girly, how was your day at work?" Regina asked me as soon as I got in the door.

"It was good. I went and had a coffee afterwards. I also ran into an old friend while I was there." I shrugged my jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack.

"Oh yeah. What's their name?"

"Clark Delacruz. It's kind of sexy when I say his name out loud," I giggled.

"Wow, that is sexy," Regina giggled. "Is he hot?"

"Well, he sure doesn't look like what he used to. He definitely has matured into a man, a very masculine one." I smiled. I grabbed my things, intending to take a shower. After my shower, I got into bed, drifting off to sleep.


It's a Saturday night. I got the night off work at my local movie theater. I'm just at home doing some reading in my bedroom, when I heard a knock from downstairs. My mom and dad were having a date night, so I was home alone. I sat my book down on the bed, going downstairs to see who was at the door. I came to the door, looking out of the peephole.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as I opened the door. I stepped aside, letting my guest in.

"I came to talk to you."

"Okay. What's this about?" I asked.

"I want you to break up with Ian."

I laughed, "What? Why? You cannot be serious,"

He clenched his jaw. "Of course I am. I want you Violet. I want to be with you."

I laughed, shaking my head back and forth. "NO" If I've told him once, I've told him my feelings ten million times. It just will not go through his thick skull.

"We've been through this before." I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue at him.

"Violet, come on, you know I'm the best man for you. I've loved you since you moved in down the street."

"I'm sorry, but you know how I feel about you. I just don't feel that same way. You're my best friend. I have no romantic feelings for you, and I never want to jeopardize our friendship. Let's get off this topic, have a drink and watch some movies like we used to." I shrugged off this statement. He knows how I feel and I want to avoid this conflict.

"Please Violet, give me a chance."

"No. I love Ian, he's your best friend. Why are you pushing this?"

I heard him give a chuckle. 'Do you really think he can satisfy you?"

"He's everything I ever wanted. I don't want you and I never will." I turned away from him, walking up the stairs. I didn't get far before I felt a very painful strike—


"Violet, wake the fuck up, it's just a dream. Stop screaming." Regina was shaking me awake. It took me a couple of seconds to come too and realize that it was just a dream. At least I think it was.

"I'm okay," I sobbed.

"What was your dream about?"

"It was more like a nightmare. I don't really want to talk about it. You go back to sleep." I patted her hand. Nodding her head, she let go, getting up and leaving the room, closing the door behind her. I laid awake for the rest of the night, my mind going crazy. I've been having the same dream every night for three weeks. They started as soon as I got back out into civilization. What does this mean?