I took a couple of days to think about what Leanne said about Clark. I have been away for seven years, people change in a short amount of time. Leanne sure has changed. She and I were wild sixteen year olds back then. I had met Leanne when she moved into the house behind mine. When she moved in behind me, she became the sister I never had. Leanne had been my rock. When I went to prison, she had to move on with her life. I was upstate doing time, and she moved on to get married and have a baby named Henry. We were always together from the age of nine. But alas, life always fucks you in the end.


I was nine back then, my mom Millie had just adopted me from my crack whore mother Lacey. It was hard adjusting to my new family, that it was hard for me to make friends. I was sitting on my swing in the backyard, when I noticed a little girl about my age come and sit next to me on the other swing. The little girl had red hair, bright as fire, sparkling green eyes and a stubby nose. I noticed freckles kissed upon her face when she turned her head to me.

"You seem sad. I'm Leanne. I want to be your friend." She stated proudly.

I smiled, "I'd like that." We had become inseparable since.


Leanne has me curious enough to talk with Sage about Clark. I'm nervous about what she'll say. I wonder how much he has changed. Sage arrived at five pm. I was making cupcakes when Sage entered the kitchen. I looked up smiling, "Hey sage-ie"

Sage chuckled, "Sup, Vi-Bi"

I bit my lip. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

I paused before I asked, "Do you know Clark Delacruz?"

Sage paused, tensing, "Yes I do, why do you ask?"

I could tell this really wasn't a topic she wanted to discuss. From her tone and body language, I could sense that he must have done something to her. She seemed almost frightened. I decided not to push my luck.

"He was just an old friend of mine and Leanne's. I hadn't seen him in forever and since you knew Leanne, I thought maybe you knew him too." I laughed to ease my discomfort. Sage looked away from me.

"I'm sorry, Sage. I can tell that I kind of made you uncomfortable. Let's talk about it some other time, yeah?" Sage nodded her head in response. Sage and I carried on as if nothing ever happened. Sage will tell me when she is ready. I don't want to push her because then that will just drive her away. Sage has become a good friend of mine. I don't want to jeopardise my friendship with her. Later that evening, when it was closing time, I went up to Sage to see if she was okay.

"Hey Sage, I'm sorry if I caused you any anxiety over my question about Clark. I didn't mean to upset you."

Sage waved her hand. "Vi, don't worry about it. I'm going to tell you about it. It's just a long story. Can we meet up sometime outside of work?"

"Definitely, I'll see you later, alligator."

"In a while crocodile," Sage and I giggled. I waved bye, walking out the door. It was still daylight out. Thank goodness for that. I hate keeping my pepper spray in my hand as I walk the three blocks home. Regina was getting settled in the apartment when I walked in the door.

Regina called out over her shoulder from the couch as she sat down picking up the remote and turning the tv on. "Did anything happen on your walk home?"

I shook my head no. "If it happens again, you need to tell Cliff, Violet." Regina advised, waving her finger at me. I smiled at her, nodding my head.

"I know Regina, I definitely want to start self-defence classes. Do you want to go with me?"

Regina paused. "Yes, I'd love to go with you."

I went to my bedroom and sank into my bed. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Can I see you again?" I saw Clark texted me.

I bit my lip. "Let's meet for coffee in the morning. Be at the usual cafe at eight am."

"See you then." I sat my phone back down, getting undressed and getting into bed. An actual bed. It had been a while since I had one of those. My back sure hurt most days. A steel slap and a thin mattress pad, that's all we got. Right now, I'll take anything I can get. This is the most freedom I've had in eight years. I will do nothing to screw this up. I am going to figure out who is stalking me and why. I've only been out a little over a month now. I'm trying my best. These dreams have also put me on edge. My brain is trying to tell me something, but I don't know what. Things will come out in due time, I guess. I have an inkling that this stalker and my dreams go together. I'm going to find out what this means, I just pray it doesn't kill me first.


I had just ordered my coffee and sat down when Clark entered the cafe. I had a direct sight of Clark walking to the counter, placing his order. He leaned casually on the counter, closer to the hot chick behind the counter. He motioned for the girl to lean down to his supple lips as he whispered into her ear, causing her to giggle. Clark couldn't see me from here apparently, even though I'm right in the open. If this is how he treats women, then I want no part in it. I deserve more. Any woman deserves more. Women shouldn't have to question if their boyfriend is flirting or cheating with other women. Once the girl was done batting her eyelashes at Clark, she gave him the coffee he ordered. I pulled my phone out, scrolling through it, pretending not to notice Clark approaching me.

"Violet." Clark regarded me wearily.

I looked up from my phone, Clark taking the seat opposite of mine. Clark and I exchanged small talk and pleasantries. I looked into his eyes, sensing a coldness to his heart. His piercing blue eyes radiated with a sadness that compelled my heart to call out to him.

"Clark, are you okay?" I reached over, grasping his hand.

Clark paused, squeezing my hand. "It's been eleven years since Ian died, I miss him."

I tensed, pulling my hand out of his. "I know Clark. I miss him too." I paused before adding, "I went to prison for his murder. Did you think I killed him?"

Clark tensed, tightening his fist into a ball. "Of course I didn't Violet." A little bead of sweat fell from his upper lip right on to the table. Of course he believed I killed his best friend. The entire town does. Before I replied, Sage interrupted our conversation.

"Violet, I need to speak with you." Sage gave me a look of fright that surged throughout my body.

"Aren't you going to say hello Sage?" Clark replied rather aggressively. He looked at her with an intense look, like he was willing her to go away.

"Hello Clark, go to hell." I observed their body language. Everything about Sage screamed at me to get her the fuck out of there. Clark has a tense jaw, clenched fists and a cold hard stare surging through Sage and I's bodies. Yeah, it's definitely time to go. Sage not waiting for me, walking to the front door before leaving.

I jumped up from my seat, rushing to get to Sage. Before I could even make it out of the door, Clark gripped my upper arm in a vice grip. I looked at him in utter disbelief. I gritted my teeth, tearing my arm away. Out of anger, I stomped on his foot. How dare he put his hands on me. I turned away from him, running out the door after Sage.

I sprinted to the end of the sidewalk, where Sage was waiting for me. Man, that girl got out of there fast.

"Sage, what the hell was that?" I clutched my sides, taking a few deep breaths.

Sage paused. "Violet trust me when I say this. Do not go anywhere near that man. He can manipulate you. He did it to me." Sage, and I started walking down the street to the halfway house.

I gripped her hand, squeezing. "What did he do, Sage?"

Sage wiped the tears that formed. "We were friends. He was so sweet when I first met him. We went on a couple of dates, but then I noticed things about him that didn't sit well with me. I thought it was just me being nit picky until I landed in the hospital. He nearly beat me to death." I gasped, tears welling to the brim. I stopped, turning to her and wrapping my arms around her. I felt her body sobbing into my shoulder, clinging to me as if she needed my strength. I walked us both into the halfway house. Riding the elevator up to my apartment. Regina wasn't home when Sage and I came into the apartment. I sat Sage down on my bed. Laying down with her, I softly stroked her hair. Whispering soothing thoughts into her ear, hoping to calm her down.

"What happened after that Sage?" grasping her hand, feeling her hand shake from fright. What Clark did has traumatized her. I'm assuming that's how she got the scar on her face. Sage doesn't let her scar determine whether she's beautiful, because she is. Sage's inner beauty defines who she really is. The short two months that I've known her, I've grown very fond of her.

"I tried to fight in court but I lost. I've been trying to move on ever since." Sage's sorrow running down her face.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know Clark anymore. Clearly he's changed." Sadness brimming to my eyelids. No man should put a woman through what Clark put Sage through. He almost killed her. He should've gone to prison for beating her half to death. But our justice system still f's us over by not putting away our rapist or abuser.

"I couldn't let you be with him after what he did to me. If I can even help one girl then that's all that matters." Sage has the most caring heart. I'm touched that she would do that for me or any girl. We need more people like her in the world. I smiled at her, wrapping my arms around her, hugging her.

Sage or I didn't have work the next morning, so she stayed over. Regina came home from work around five pm. We had a girls' night and watched some movies. Around eight pm, I stepped out to get the takeout from four blocks over. Before I left the apartment, I brought my pepper spray with me. I can defend myself, carrying the pepper spray helps me feel safer walking alone. I began my trek six blocks away. It was still light out when I started my walk there. By the time I got there and on my way back, it was already dark. I pulled my pepper spray out of my pocket in case anything was to happen. Something always happens when it's dark outside. I had about three more blocks when I heard footsteps behind me. Not wanting to speed up because I didn't want to alert the person that I knew of their existence behind me. I took a turn down an alleyway that was a shortcut to the apartment. I sped up my pace a little faster, willing my legs to work alongside my brain. Stomp. Thud. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end upon hearing heavy footsteps trailing faster behind to match my pace. I took an unexpected turn, hoping to lose whoever was following me. I heard a deep, taunting laugh. My ears perked up, my heart racing at a marathon. Fright striking my body like a lightning bolt. The footsteps are nothing but an echo now. My feet continuing on through the alleys, my heart now calming. I could finally catch a breath. I stopped for a minute to get a grasp of my surroundings. I recognize the old cat lady who has an ugly green lazy boy out on her back porch for the neighborhood cats to sleep on. With only a few blocks left, the footsteps grew louder and louder. I'm not sure from which direction. Anxiety surged to my fingertips, hands shaking from fear. I heard the gravel crunch under the weight of a shoe as I approached the end. Crackle. Pop. Tears spraying to the brim, my right arm stretched out in front of me with the pepper spray. My other hand is still clutching the damn take out. I approach the turn, rounding the corner. Bam. Someone grabbed me around the arms. I felt a jolt of terror go through my body. I screamed, looking up at Clark.

"Clark, what the fuck? Were you following me?" I accused Clark.

"Violet, what are you on about? Of course not. I'm just walking home from a run." I looked at his clothes. He has on black sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and running shoes. Like that's not also creepy.

"What are you doing running around here? You live all the way across town?" I challenged him. I live on the south side and he lives on the east end. That's all the way across town.

"Okay, you got me." He confessed, "I wanted to come and see how you are. We started off on the wrong foot the other day. I wanted to apologize for anything I said about Ian and for upsetting Sage." Like I believe him.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Do you really expect me to believe your apology? You almost killed Sage and you're stalking me." I accused him.

"What did Sage tell you?" Clark's ears steamed red with fury, his teeth clenched in anger.

"Everything. I do not wish to see you anymore. You're not the same person I knew before. I've noticed something different about you I dislike. I love Sage, and you're a vile evil person who I will not associate with or even want to date. You cannot think that what you did to her is okay. What happened to you, Clark? What changed?" I pleaded with him. He's one of my best friends. Been by my side since we were in grade school. I'm heartbroken over his change. If Ian were here, he'd get through to him. He always did.

"Sage only told you her part. Let me tell you my side of things." Clark bargained.

"No, I do not want to speak to you anymore. You permanently scared the woman. How can you think that's okay? I'm ashamed of you, Clark. You were such a good boy and now you're a monster." I shook my head in disappointment.

Clark gritted his teeth. "We're done here then? Because you let some bitch come between us." Clark shook his head, spitting out his deepest hatred for Sage. "I'll be back for you, Violet." Clark turned away, giving me a sinister smile. The smile that makes the hairs of your arm stand on end. Gives you a chill from your chest to your toes, causing you to shake in fear. Yeah, that kind of look. I wonder if his mother's death has anything to do about why he's like this now.

Two years into my sentence, I had received a letter from Leanne about Clark's mother taking her own life. She never left a note, so no one knows why she did it. From Leanne, it sounded like Clark took his mother's death hard. That boy could do no harm in her eyes. He adored her and she, him. They were the perfect mother son duo. According to Leanne, there's a rumor in the town that his father cheated on Susanna, and that's why she killed herself. Leaving Clark with a guilt stricken drunk who abused him because he reminded him of his mistake. That's harsh, but that doesn't justify hurting people.

I continued on my walk back to the apartment, my hands still shaking from that frightening encounter with Clark. I could see the hatred seeping from his pores. I made it back to the apartment safely.

"There you are! I'm freaking hungry." Regina shrekied. I laughed, walking to the kitchen table and sat the food down.

"Sorry, it was so dark. I got lost on the way home." I made up the excuse because I don't want to alarm them for fear of Clark's behavior. I don't want them to become targets.

"Oh, no worries. Glad you made it home safe." Sage squeezed my arm. I gave her a reassuring smile in return. I adore Sage, she's become a friend I hold close to my heart like Leanne. I hate what Clark did to her. He needs to rot in prison.

It was eleven pm when all of us passed out in the living room watching chick-flics.