The Homeless Savior

Wu woke up surrounded by the girls, and it all felt too good to be true. However, that was when he noticed the sky above, instead of seeing the grimy ceiling of his own bedroom.

So yeah...that happened. As Lera rushed forward and hugged her arms around him, Ver let out a sigh of relief as Ita jumped onto his lap and slammed her fists into his stomach. The fabric underneath him felt hard and tight, and it appeared that he's lying in a cot right in the middle of the Ville college courtyard.

" long was I out?" Wu threw out the must-ask question, and Ver shrugged lightly before speaking.

"A day or so." Ver said, "A lot has happened as you slept, Mr Savior."

"Why do you keep calling him that?!" Ita looked over at Ver, though the latter only smiled mysteriously and leaned back, "Anyway...we have settled with an agreement with Lily and Charlie about what happens next, and..."