Despite how easy I make it all look, I guess you can say that I took that I can hide my finer details, not that my superficial features weren't any less important, though (I mean, look at me). Those finer details suggest that my power can be a bit of a balancing act. Think of my body as a remote, with my slight wind aura as the sort of fast forward button.
I can regulate my speed accordingly just fine before each "burst." But the severity and frequency of the bursts are something I always have to keep in mind. Rapid acceleration and deceleration of the human body is an incredible strain on its normal homeostasis. Metabolism, muscle fibers, oxygen intake, hell, and even mental focus get tested while the body gets pushed to its respective limits.
This effectively means long, drawn-out fights aren't exactly a forte of mine. Lest I wanna put myself through a world of hurt from both my own body and whoever I managed to "impress" with my unique charm. Usually, this wouldn't be an issue with most people. However, it seems a good portion of my prior info on The Cons needed some major updates.
With my current location boxing me in, I get forced to focus on the challenge right in front of me, a relentless barrage of blaster fire from Port and Frag, respectively. Which fine no big deal, except their aim was dead on. Predictably Port aimed for both my vitals and a couple of suppressing rounds, hoping to end this and probably my life as quickly as possible. However, those almost vengeful shots were relatively easy to dodge and anticipate.
Frag's blasts in unison made the barrage all the more difficult. Not only was he matching Port shot for shot, but in the sense of almost omniscience, he deliberately tried to predict my predictions accordingly! With that, I was pressured, forced to unleash nearly a half dozen short bursts for a series of tight dodging and feints, hoping that formless blurs would distract their eagle eyes just enough.
However, that barrage was simply a clever distraction as Gum soon stepped in. Once again, prior information was used against me as I saw her sprout out a large adhesive blanket that was seconds away from capturing me. So in the most instinctive of moves, I decided to go speed for only a moment. Then, using what little momentum and torque I had already built up beforehand, I slingshotted myself towards the opposing wall and pushed off!
Once again, the ground managed to crack and crater beneath my feet, causing a sound barrier to be broken as I launched myself into the nearest box in my way. Upon contact, the box shattered, revealing the spare parts of a small cleaning drone as I managed to find myself in between two tall support racks.
Being more inconvenienced than hurt, I quickly assessed the situation, planning out my next move. Almost at once, I tried to close off my self-made escape route, using my natural speed and strength to leap back towards the end of the nearby support rack. With that, I noticed the Cons quickly converging on my position.
I could barely pick up what looked like a series of intentionally hidden hand signs as The Cons moved in like a murder of crows. Gum carried both sharpshooters on top of the rack using her chemical-laced propulsion like a rudimentary jet pack. Along with that, I could sense Ricochet trying to follow me through my self-made escape route while Eternus and Fury started to circle the other way around.
Keeping all of that plenty in my mind, I decided to combine everything I knew now with a lifetime of reactions. I unleashed a perfect combination of both strength and style, pulling out two boxes from the rack to my back and kicking both towards my opponents. As per usual, my timing couldn't have been more perfect.
By the time Ricochet tried to follow my route, he was met with a large box that collided so hard he rag doodled against the opposite wall. Simultaneously, as soon as the long-range fighters touched down, they instantly got interrupted while avoiding a projectile that ripped into the warehouse roof!
With them momentarily occupied, I could then focus my complete attention on potentially my most dangerous opponent yet: Fury. Whether it be through sheer resolve, stupidity, or a combination of both, she was the one who struck first with a makeshift club that caught my eye. First, it looked like a robotic leg was the base, but now it was filled with tape and strategic wooden splits to keep it steady as Fury swung with a hunger I'd never seen before.
However, due to my natural speed and Fury's dilemma, we engaged in a sudden stalemate of restrained and unrestrained blows and dodges. Just when I had her my crosshairs, latching on to Fury's arm in an attempted submission hold. That was when Eternus closed in with a raised fist that carried the weight of a freight train!
So to call his bluff, if you will, I speed up a little, finishing my hold and putting Fury right between the both of us! As suddenly as Eternus leaped in, he stopped, leaving us in a split-second stalemate of shared hesitation. Which didn't last long as I noticed the shooters start to get their bearings again.
Leaving me with no choice but to unleash another gadget from my relatively sparse arsenal. With the press of a button, I unveiled a small dense cloud of smoke, leaving me just enough time to leap up with my human shield and tie her up with a bola to a support beam a couple of feet up. Still, I couldn't help but give a little chit-chat. After all, she was still an acquaintance, and we were still professionals.
"Is it tight enough for you, Fury? Cause if you want to get kinky, I can-."
"Yeah, it is."
"Good, hang in there; I'll get you down soon."
"Okay," she said obediently.
Before attempting to make my way down, Ricochet decided to roll his way back into the fight. Then, like some spider monkey, the man descended from high with a descending kick! I activated my ability at that point, quickly shimmying across the rack to face Ricochet as he made a split-second catch.
Before I could even get myself situated, though, Frag's aim once again interrupted my peace, instantly shooting the wooden ledge leaving me at the mercy of gravity! Frag didn't even bother to let up performing a series of calculated shots on my literal downfall. Still, that didn't stop my path as in a split second. I managed to angle my foot at just the right way to deliver another powerful push-off that sent me to a slowed descent down to the ground.
Except my extra airtime was a significant disadvantage in disguise. Terminal velocity meant I couldn't precisely fall faster, and there was nothing to push off nor any gadget I could use in time. Which told me I was right at Eternus' mercy by the time I landed in a fashionable roll.
I manage to avoid a close roundhouse kick aimed straight for my left temple by the slimmest of margins! In response, I instantly counterattacked, unfurling a fast low sweep! Eternus, though against all odds, managed to jump away at the nick of time! With that, his fantastic offense continued!
The next thing I knew, I blocked a deadly kick that sent me right up, forcing me to deflect a series of blows. Then, both of us moved into a barrage of close-quarter combat, exchanging seemingly dozens of hits at inhuman speeds. For every ten strikes I managed to land, Eternus marched on with double their ferocity! Wisps of dark aura seemed to lick off him as he pushed on at unprecedented speeds!
From there, I saw "it." I almost didn't remember an evident emotion from my time amongst silver spoons, one that I couldn't help but get drawn towards determination. And that same determination collected all together in Eternus' right fist! Sensing it coming, I took in a sparse breath, focusing it all into a punch of my own! From there, I was plenty faster, hitting Eternus dead on in the face!
Yet even that didn't stop him as Eternus shifted his vitals ever so slightly in that pinnacle moment. In response, he wrapped his cape around his right hand like a bracer and followed through with his nearly superhuman punch! With that, my mask got unfurled, revealing my rather pretty face to The Cons as I got sent crashing into another box.
Eternus tried to continue even though his broken hand, but as expected, the sheer shock of it all was more than enough for all of them to stop dead in their tracks. Eventually, the recognition finally started to settle.
At that moment, a small smile instinctively formed on my face. Because in a wicked sense of irony, they weren't looking at my "face," not really. No, despite all the beauty, all the grace and glamour, "she" just wasn't me anymore. After all, she never had any nerve, to begin with anyway. Not like these guys. So with my heart racing faster than I ever had before, I quickly pulled back the mask and readied myself for round 2.
"Going to be the one that takes that prize, Eternus. Lucky shot, I admit, but that's the last one you're going to get," I said as my winding wind soon started to come back in full force!