WebNovelThe Cons96.04%


Hello once again guys, gals and everything in between. This is Donnidrako25 coming at you with the mother of all Notices! I know that I should be saving this for after the Villain Expo but I couldn't help myself. Because finally after four months of constant writing, questioning of self worth and only miniscule improvement we've finally reached one hundred thousand words!

Believe you me you got, no idea how bad my anxiety got when I found out about that special deadline all the way back in April I was very much worse for wear and scared out of my mind. I'm thankful though that for better or worse the Spirit Awards have given me the chance to finally tell The Cons. This has been a story I've wanted to pursue since mid 2020 and I'm glad that this proves once again that people actually care about what I have to say.

That all being said I'm not going to lie and say that the great Muses of Apollo were guiding my hand every second of the way. Because honestly my mind was on the edge of complete burnout around Shakedown and Catcall, hell you could even argue Phoenix as well. Not trying to be edgy or a sour puss by any means, I very much appreciate every read, every comment and every vote I've gotten along the way.

It's just that even if I win or lose this competition I do want to come out the other side a better writer, a more confident one. I've done a lot of things here that I want to carry into my other stories and things I've just haven't done before and I'm happy I can do them at the very least I can do them.

However I also would like to do them well, and forcing myself to write a thousand words per day every day in regards to meeting a world limit just isn't the best motivator nor the best conditions I should be working with to get that bag I'm chasing. Especially considering I'll be going to college in a couple of weeks anyway. Whether you've already noticed it or not, every sentence I've written has been grammatical or the most descriptive.

Which is why I'm going to do what I do best and deliver you quality over quantity. Even after the competition I'm very much going to keep up with The Cons but I would like to give myself some time to actually edit stuff out, write for my other stories and plan out the rest of the series in full. Also you know, sleeping and resting at a time that isn't 2am is good as well. I would like to make this my career but I would also like to not make it my entire life if you understand what I mean.

Which means in the meantime please check out some of my more comfortable and personal projects like the Drako Files and Webtoon Spotlights if you came for both me and the story. And I might even show my more serious works like Elementals, Paladin, Genesis and Ditto some love in due time given I want to overhaul them a lot.

Either way though don't you dare consider this a goodbye, think of it as a bit of stepping stone to bigger things because I promise that what I have planned for The Cons is some of my biggest stuff yet and I very much hope you enjoy it.

And if you can do me a favor, try to go easy on yourself. Because if this story shows you anything it's that acknowledging your faults and accepting them is part of the process of what we call character development. It's something that I struggle with even now so if I can pass that on with someone then I'll be more than happy. But until then, until we meet again. I hope you all have a nice day wherever and whenever you're reading this. Thanks for all the support.