Evolution of a Lesser Being

"The shadows are watching you, don't be afraid my child; embrace them." Requested an omniscient voice. 

 "Forever one, never again two." Announced an abyssal voice. 

 "Two is incomplete and one, unbalanced; three is true perfection." Informed a mysterious voice.

 "FOOL, You're a TRAITOR!" Bellowed the abyssal voice, making nothing itself tremble.

The voices looked at each other and realized that they had no point in the story whatsoever.


 "Why is everything grayish around here? I haven't even seen a gray leaf in this forest before." Wondered Imogen as color returned to her vision almost immediately.

 "This forest is weird and I'm going to need to get used to it. I'm sure this is normal for the people who live here." Suspired Imogen, trying to convince herself of falsehoods 

 "I just hope it wasn't a bad omen, I don't think that it'd be much fun." Grumbled Imogen.

 "Not that having fun is all I'm worried about, but strangely enough, I don't want to be bored for all of eternity." Said Imogen in satire.

 "Being bored for a few minutes is good enough for me. I don't know how someone could handle more." Admitted Imogen, full of admiration. 

 "I've been walking for no more than twenty-four minutes and I'm already bored, what the hell!" Exclaimed Imogen.

 "A flower! finally! Here I thought that you guys hated me after I killed one of your huge brethren flowers." Said Imogen happily staring at the flower.

 It was a dark shade of blue and had green highlights along the center. 

 "It doesn't seem like you're a creature, you must be just a regular flower." Smiled Imogen, trying to pat the flower. 

 "I love plants, they just make me feel so happy." Said Imogen in bliss.

 "I hope you stay strong little flower, you can do it!" Praised Imogen in a light hearted tone.

 "I need to stop wasting time, I've got creatures to kill." Sighed Imogen while leaving behind a happy little flower.

 From that moment onwards Imogen wasn't bored, well less bored.


 "Did that bug just step on a flower!? I'm going to hang it alive and watch it scream!" Said Imogen, her feelings amplified by the system's spell as her mood turned from jovial to sour in an instant. 

 She ran over to the bug, it was pretty much the same size as her. She whacked it with one of her legs and sent it flying into a tree, the tree groaned.

 She rammed into the tree with her head for good measure, the bug's exoskeleton shattered. After, Imogen ripped open its stomach and took out its intestines.

 She then hung the bug by its intestines over the wounded flower, it didn't heal.

 "I hope you get better now you poor flower, you'll have lots of fertilizer at least." Said Imogen, her voice full of care.

 "Now! What was I doing again? Oh yes, looking for a reasonable quarry." Remembered Imogen.

 "Now that I've figured that out, time to discuss trees! They all look the same here; I wish they had more diversity." Said Imogen for no particular reason.

 "Wait, is that a giant fu- I mean is that a giant moth! It looks like I've found my next prey!" Grinned Imogen.

 "I can already taste its-, now I'm getting a bit weird." Realized Imogen, thankfully.

 "Ah! Now how should I go about fighting this moth? should I attempt to remove its wings before the fight starts?" Pondered Imogen, shamefully. 

 "Nah, that would make the fight less enjoyable." Said Imogen as she pounced upon the moth.

 She tried to bite into the moth, having the jump on it; but the moth emitted a barrier that pushed Imogen off.

 Imogen didn't land far away and for once she landed on her feet, the idiot. As Imogen flipped herself back up the moth was already charging at her.

 The fur all over the moth's body got electrical and stood up off of its body. It shrieked and further distracted Imogen, its eyes were glowing in a fiery passion for death.

As it hit Imogen, she found that she couldn't move anymore. The electricity had rendered her completely defenseless.

 She attempted to move away, but the moth snatched her up with its non-mouth before she knew what was happening. It threw Imogen at a crying tree and the tree got a diagonal cut, the new style. 

 The moth, uncaring about its own safety, dived down; right into Imogen.

 "This ground tastes nice, I give it nine and a half stars." Said Imogen deliriously. 

 Before the moth reached Imogen it showed its nasty proboscis and prepared to suck the life out of her. Though, before it could, a sword flew out of nowhere and shot right through the moth. 

 It was gilded and jeweled, it also looked like it had been cleaned very recently.

 The sword sparkled in the moonlight as it flew out of the moth and back into the forest.

 "Did I just see a sword or... It's probably normal, no use in thinking about it any longer." Said Imogen, giving up on trying to figure things out.

 After a while Imogen had finally gotten out of the paralysis and she was ready to kill that dumb moth.

 The moth was up too, barely. It had a sword shaped hole in its chest and was bleeding all over the place. 

 It watched Imogen for a little bit before choosing to fly off, but Imogen wouldn't let her prey go like that. She performed the biggest jump she ever had in both lives.

 She barely got onto one of the moth's legs and bit into it, the moth squealed like a dying pig.

 The moth tried whacking Imogen off, but she was too fast and had already climbed up on top of the moth. The moth desperately tried to shake off Imogen, but to no avail; Imogen bit into the soft flesh of the moth and started drinking its blood.

 In a few minutes nothing was left of the moth except dust and a very annoyed Imogen. 

 "I didn't think that the stupid moth would fall out of the air, what the hell." Said Imogen getting really pissed off for no reason.

 "I guess I should've put two and two together to figure it out. Though, in my defense, I was concentrating on staying alive." Gripped Imogen, complaining to no one in particular.

 "I wonder if that was enough for a level up, I really hope it is." Said Imogen on the verge of begging.

*System Chance: The almighty system has decided that you can get the extra bit you need to level up if you start a minute long verse of praise right now

 Without hesitation, Imogen sat on the ground and began her chant.

 "You are the best system the world has ever known and I hope that you will live a great life." Said Imogen, running out of words to think. 

 "I just love that you never talk and only send messages, I think it's just awesome." Said Imogen, already mentally exhausted.

 "You have an amazing dad and mom! They both reflect on their amazing child!" Complemented Imogen.

 "Your font is just beautiful and any other font you pick would be just as awesome." Said Imogen, her words full of flattery.

 "I just hope that you will live the best life you possibly can and I-, finally it's over." Said Imogen looking at the system message.

*You've slain a: Static Lantern Moth - level up

*Evolution: you have hit level 10, evolution will commence in twenty seconds

 "No wait, I have things to do, system; I need to get-" Imogen couldn't finish before she fell asleep.

 "What is this place, it's so dark; I hate the dark." Said Imogen, remembering her time in an egg.

 "More system messages, just great." Said Imogen sarcastically.

*Evolution choices:

{Hysterical Laughing Tick}

{Fragmented False Tick}

{Bored Dragon Tick}

{Demi Tick}

{Death's Brand Tick}

{Giant Forest Tick}

[Click for more information]

"This again, can't you be a bit more creative?" Scolded Imogen.

 "You never answer me do you, I shouldn't even ask." Said Imogen feeling disappointed as she clicked on all of them.


Hysterical Laughing Tick: This is the normal evolution for a Hysterical Screeching Tick. It's abnormally powerful for a tick of it's class, but it comes at the cost of a demented personality.

Affinities: High Strength, High Agility, High Defense, Low Health, Low Mana, and poison magic.

Evolution Chance: High Potential Evolution Chance


Fragmented False Tick: This tick will be forever fragmented, a tick that can never truly decide on who it is. Once this tick evolves it will become whole.

Affinities: High Defense, Low Intelligence, Low Health, and axe weapons

Evolution Chance: High Potential Evolution chance


Bored Dragon Tick: These ticks are often born from a careless dragon's corpse, but in rare cases a tick can evolve into one. They live out their lives bored and unsure of what to do.

Affinities: High Strength, High Defense, High Agility, High Health, Very Low Intelligence, and brute weapons

Evolution Chance: Medium Potential Evolution Chance


Demi Tick: You could be the first Demi Tick in existence, although that's the only good thing about this evolution. It looks like a human was shoved into a tick's body.

Affinities: Low Strength, Low Defense, Low Health, Low Agility, and High Intelligence

Evolution Chance: High Potential Evolution Chance


Death's Brand Tick: A tick that could be called the associate of death, it's nothing but a skeleton. All the flesh and organs were replaced by bones, it kills anything it touches; but dies within a week.

Affinities: Proficient in everything

Evolution Chance: No Potential Evolution Chance


Giant Forest Tick: The most common evolution for a tick, it usually evolves from a Common Forest Tick. This is a giant behemoth of a tick, but it's very gentle.

Affinities: High Defense, High Health, Low Agility, Low Intelligence and a proficiency with plant magic

Evolution Potential: Low Potential Evolution Chance


"Well Death's Brand Tick, Demi Tick and Hysterical Laughing Tick are out of the question." Eliminated Imogen. 

 "I guess Bored Dragon Tick doesn't fit either, as much as I hate to say it." Said Imogen in a sad tone.

 "Giant Forest Tick seems too boring for me, so I guess that only leaves Fragmented False Tick." Said Imogen, surprised by how fast her decision was.

 "System I chose Fragmented False Tick!" Announced Imogen.

*System Evolution: Commenced