
"Ai calm yourself Haba there's only one, the little runt is wanderin alone".

"And a beam can fly, no such thing as a lone human Hager" the one name Haba replied with a gruff and a mean stare.

Rubbing the back of his head Hager looked behind him and into the tree line.

"Ai the lad is a problem... listen Haba" using the arm that was touching Habas shoulder he leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"I told ya ta learn ta swim"! Haba said raising his fist and punching Hager in the chest.

Hager blushed uncontrollably and wrapped Habas head in a head lock.

"C'mon brooda.. jus leave em be for a while till he's sorted out".

"We need more hands for the ores and the boy is... fluent in the mana arts".

"Eik Gahd brooda"! Haba pushed him off and shook his head.

"Snot ry"! the other named Durin-Son spoke up and even though he was shortest out of the two his voice was the deepest.

""I know I know but we row away from the haven and to Oskana, what's the harm eh"?

The two pondered his words for a moment before replying at the same time "Not a drop of liquor for em".

"Ai, now let us right this galley and I'll get the whelp sorted".

"He hides like a Sylph" Haba said while turning around.

"Can never trust those like the Sylph" the grumbling went on but I could tell from a distance without hearing their words the relief and comradery they shared.

"Out with ya boy"! Hager shouted turning around to my direction.

I slowly approached.

"Ya got two options, keep northwest and pass Undia to get to the mountains pass or row this galley west till the river splits".

"We'll take ya south ta Jagged Edge mountain, it's on the other side of Undia and has a side entrance to the mountain pass".

I didn't answer for a moment putting together all I had seen from aerial recon and my knowledge of the land.

I knew his words to be true, south had smaller mountain ranges but that was much further.

"There is no way to reach the pass without going through Undia"? I asked not keen on the idea of running into humans.

I have gotten nothing but bloody hands dealing with humans, my body count in the village alone would fill a few wagons.

"None, like I said they built their 'kingdom' and charge a toll to reach the pass... at least that is what I hear from those looking to pass through our lands".

"What's yer problem anyway humans are foul but they won't harm their young".

I stare off into the distance thinking of all the bodies of malnourished children thrown on the back of the fat mans cart.

Truth be told I've received more kindness from this dwarf then most I have met in my travels.

It seemed like ages ago that I ripped Standishs body apart and took my first steps towards freedom.

"You say if I follow this river I can pass by Undia"?

He nodded.

"Thanks for the offer but Ill have a go at it myself".

He shook his head, "Don't be proud boy, if any other Druid catches ya they'll hunt ya down like a wee rabbit".

"Come on boy, throw yer arms behind these here fine ores and row yerself ta freedom".

He mistook my caution for pride, it's not that I don't want to especially since druids scare off Oskana.

I just had a policy to not be within arms distance of someone that can rip me to shreds.

'Are you going to kill them too'? Ava asked concerned for Hager as she quite enjoyed his company.

'No.. and if anything it will probably be you that ends them' I replied.

Although it was subtle the mana fluctuations are picked up by Hager who glances at my leather pouch curiously.

"Let's get moving then" I replied after some thought.

He nodded turning and heading to the upside down galley.

The other two are tightening knots on the side of the galley with ropes as thick as my arm.

They tossed them over the stern and bow and went to the other side each one taking a side and leaving the rope near the centerboard

"Go on and pull on tha other end" Hager instructed and I could see the other two holding two ropes each.

There are seven ropes and I could only grip one with my thin arms.

Hager positioned himself In the center face of the galley acting as an anchor qnd I was in front of him between the two druids.

"Stand steady boy" Haba gruffed while whipping the ropes.

As soon as I lifted the rope I was surprised by the weight.

It felt like twenty kilos in my arms and that is just a portion of the rope.

Haba glanced at me and clicked his tongue wondering what a little human mage can accomplish.

"Pull"! was the only warning I got from Hager and the two dwarves flared with a red energy each one of different shades.

My aura is vermillion in color and theirs is a sandy red.

I could tell immediately I was lacking.

With one arm holding a rope the druids pulled enough for ten men.

Aura and world energy colored my vision and my mana pulses seemed weak in comparison to the three whos veins popped out while pulling and bracing.

"Ya pull like a soft shrub boy!" Habas voice echoed next to me.

He was right, I am used to always keeping reserve energy just in case I needed to run.

I was giving it a solid eighty percent and they are not pleased by it.

The six meter long structure began to budge as they flared with even more aura.

It was three meters or almost ten feet in height, I was sure I would never be able to make it budge by myself mana or not.

Hager growled like a power lifter at maximum weight, I quickly noticed that the red aura would dissipate almost instantly where my energy lingered allowing me to manipulate it.

Each one disappeared at a certain rate, it seemed the lighter the color the longer it could be maintained.

"Focus boy"! Habas voice filled my mind.

"Pull" was repeated in a rhythm until the galley was lifted off the ground by a few inches and they began to walk it towards the water.

The lone dwarf Hager was supporting the weight of the whole galley by himself while we walked it closer to the rivers edge.

We reached the water which was the a long twelve steps for Hager.

We slid the galley into the river slowly making sure not to damage it further.

Backing away and looking on at the work being done I made note of the aura in the air and how it behaved.

There are only a few times when I am able to send my aura out of my body and that is if I guide it with a complicated stretching routine.

Even then it would not always come out.

'What do you think this is'? Ava asked.

'Shhh, don't make contact with me until were far away from these.... guys'.

I honestly didn't know what to call them, they looked like childish grown men with herculean strength especially Haba with his round cheeks.

It made him look like a tiny santa clause.

Once the galley was righted Haba took what he considered long strides in my direction.

I wondered what he was doing but then began to take steps backwards as he got closer.

"Doon Roon boy" his accent was thick yet I could understand his intentions.

"I said doon roon boyo, yer hide will only get tanner" not listening my feet quicken running from him while remembering the grip that Hager had on me.

Before I could speed up with a pulse of mana I felt his hands grip me by my neck long hair and drag me down with enough force to rip my hair off.

"Ya want ta throw slack on tha rope, I'll show ya what happens ta slackers on this here galley, I swear to mine hearth I will beat you senseless".

I didn't mean to let him finish his sentence, rolling back and kicking his face while using my arms to add to the force only led him to grab my ankle and eat the kick from the other foot like a champ.

He didn't even stop talking.

He used my ankle as a handhold to slam me on the other side.

"Ai boy, I'll beat some discipline in ta ya".