
When Leah looks up she sees my blade closing in on her throat.

She reaches for her wand and attempts to evade, but the blade is plunged into her neck, breaking her bone in the process.

A light red, almost orange energy comes out of her mouth while she silently cries out.

I push the short sword deeper until it pokes into the wood behind her.

Biting my finger a small array is made and a fireball heats the metal of the blade, slowly cauterizing the wound.

When I pull the blade out, there is minimal bleeding.

The small fireball cauterizes the rest of her wound and winks out of existence.

Leaning Leah to her right, she looks hunched over.

Her muscles are still tight due to the shock of a violent death.

I take my bag back and take out my wand, sending a tendril of mana into it.

Sitting quietly the silver wand emits world energy.

"He's dead, we need to ge this kid t-" Alia is halfway into the carriage before the door closes behind her.