
"You are doing it incorrectly, you must stimulate the sustanance glands in the fro-".

Master Go is cut off as my skin begins to ripple starting from right below my adams apple and down my stomach, tingling my reproductive organs and forcing an erection.

What he calls sustenance glands are the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

The glands use iodine from food to make two hormones that regulate the way the body uses energy.

The bad news is it also produces a hormone that regulates the calcium in my body, making stimulating it for too long harmful.

Especially for my bones.

An array is on each side of the glands underneath my skin.

It is a peace sign in a circle.

I release my energy steadily and vibrations ripple throughout my body.

The two arrays are air arrays, I have been warned that too much mana would instantly kill me.

As I visibly decrease in size, my bloated belly makes me look like a kettlepot releasing steam.