
"All in all we have as many as expected," Leak says finishing her report to Pookie.

"All in all this is a nice vacation" Popper adds with a stretch of her arms.

The moaning from below the crevice is like a song of pain that all the critters learned to recognize.

"It's the last night of the hunt, I should be back soon".

"Get a 'Legion Guide', it will help cut them down further," Pookie says, before turning and jumping on a skile.

"This is going by a little too fast, pretty soon we'll be back in Torin," Leak says with steady sips of the wine Pookie delivered.

"Worst case we get stationed in Shalamanda again," Popper says with a shudder.

"Fuck those lakes" Leak curses, pouring a drop of wine for a dead ranger, a good ranger.

"I miss her" Popper whispers.

"Well she sure as shit doesn't miss you, get to work".

"I kind of feel bad for the idiot that falls for this" Popper says while walking towards the edge.