
The man is a demon.

He isn't torturing us, he is forcing us to torture each other.

We dropped our bags and were told to fight each other in rotation.

What was originally a round-robin turned into a gang fight.

The only rule that was given was 'No Killing'.

The only signal to move to the next opponent is a whistle made out of an array Pookie made.

It looks like four peace signs making a cross.

When we moved on to the next opponent at the sound of the whistle, some people couldn't go on.

They were told to move on to the next opponent together and have a free-for-all all but those from Fort Bliss and those from Landers have an unspoken rule.

Keep the outsiders out, and have each other's backs.

Puking can be heard as Nolkan throws up in the sand pit.

It isn't the fighting, it is the constant fighting.

We arrived here in the evening, it was well into midnight.