Hurt Me

"Augmentors to the left, conjurors to the right," Hopper says while standing in front of the double doors.

The nine move, leaving me standing alone in the center.

Seven on the left, two on the right.

"I don't know what that is," I say flatly when I get eyeballed from all angles.

"Doesn't matter" Hopper says.

"Make an orb this big," he says while opening his hand, releasing energy from his palm that collects into a fist-sized ball.

Everyone does as he says, albeit in different ways.

I see one guy do a Power Ranger wind-up and another breathing in and out like he is hyperventilating.

Much to their surprise, I do as well, but it is as smooth a release as Hoppers and the two conjurors to my right.

Hopper walks around and inspects the orbs, telling people to add more mana or enlarge it at times.

We have to continuously feed the orb energy as it releases mana in the air.