Dark And Impenetrable

"In the Meru, you were able to pick up a lot of crystals right"? Sorins question is met with a silence.

Her green eyes never leaving mine.

A round delicate chin rests atop a slender neck, her neckline seperated all the way down to her rightous chest.

"I was given the semeru by the Master of the Meru".

My words are spoken with obvious tongue, giving her the truth and withholding my intentions.

Sorin scowls and continues to gaze into my eyes.

"That isn't what I meant".

"How high did you go"? She asks.

I wonder if she is from a different faction of house Mara, before quickly dismissing the idea.

Sloan wouldn't talk to just anyone, and who she talked to wouldn't just talk to anyone.

"All the way to the top" my words are met with a subtle shift of the air around us, I can feel the world energy flowing towards her.

She seems to be able to pull energy using words, and eyes.