Demon With Red Lips

"My lady I have unintentionally mislead you, and I beg your pardon".

I greet my lady with rata in the left hand hand, and an open wound in the right.

My wrist isn't bleeding out, but the wound is still open, a wound that would kill a human quick.

Yet it is nothing, compared to the wrong I have committed against my lady.

"Is that so"?

My ladies voice comes out in mind and mouth as she steps out of the tree line.

Her hands are placed behind her back, I knew something was wrong.

I just didn't realize how wrong until just now.

She searched my mind and I gave her plenty, yet she still believes me to be bewitched.

Not directly, but by choice.

She believes me to be loyal to someone.

Someone other than her.

She is not angry, anger is for girls.

She is a woman, she feels pity for me.

She believes I have given up the opportunity to be received by her blessed gates, for some perceived allegiances.