
The white light of the moon illuminates the exit ahead, I find Jarkar smoking his old brown pipe.

Waiting for me.

He isn't wearing a smile.

He feels bad for me.

"Want to know what it feels like to die"? I ask as I step out of the dark tunnel that descended down for a long while before rising.

It took me thirty minutes to get here.

A wide foot ball sized opening is up above, letting the light in to nurture the red mana grass here.

It is separated into sections, and a cul-de-sac is positioned against the shadow of the moonlight.

The houses are all two story, and pretty nice in comparison to where I was born.

Gazing upon the scene I chuckle at Bunds words.

I hate irony.

I need iron.


"Sure" he shrugs, and I thank whatever gods may be for this crazy ass kid.

Cycling my mana through my lower back, and into my spiritual root I touch Jarkars chest above his heart.