Twice The Luck

I expected to be pinned down and have to fight for my blood, but I made it to the northern tower just fine.

When the passage opens I hear the familiar screams of the blessed dead, and smile.

Like moms singing.

I whistle a tune on the way down, looking for Bund and Alma around the walls.

I find one protecting the other.

Bund has been fed on heavily and so has Alma.

Yet she stays conscious, I can see the inflammation on her neck, along with a bruise on her face as they both have been heavily beaten.

"You're alive" I return the old mans words, and he begins to shake in rhythm while lying down.

He is laughing just like I did.

"Well, you know how this goes" I say with a chuckle.

I get a grunt from the old man, and Alma struggles to rise.

Patiently I wait for them to rage, just as they waited for me.

Same fight, different day.

Letting out ten commas from my fingers, I begin to send pulses.