A Tender Touch

The echoes of her laughter have their own haunted rhythm, as they dance off the walls of the not so humble abode.

"That is all you want"?

"I want much more, my lady".

"What might that be"?

My soul stills as I look into her eyes.

"The world, and everything in it".

Most people would be intimidated by her silent gaze.

I am one of those people.

She is frighteningly still.

She reminds me of an old world war two veteran who worked underneath the mines of no man's land.

No man's Land is the term used by soldiers to describe the ground between the two opposing trenches.

The narrowest gap was at Zonnebeke where British and German soldiers were only about seven yards apart.

No Man's Land contained a considerable amount of barbed wire, forcing armies to dig, and plan strategic strikes.

Those soldiers where never the same.

They never spoke too loudly.

They never looked too longingly.