The Hunting Of Man

I am never going to escape.

I thought Heela would drop me off, but instead she drops the galley into a river and guides us upstream.

On my lap.

The whole time.

It is suspicious.

Very suspicious.

A woman like Heela has many people to do things for her, like dropping off a kitchen rag at the cleaners.

She has even more things to do as a 'civil servant'.

A thought hits me, and I want to jump off the galley.

"It's too late".

Heelas giggle wants to turn into maniacal evil laughter, I can tell.

"Stop playing victim".

"I'm a victim of circumstance, my lady".

"I take it mother will be looking for me after a few days".


I sigh, deeply.

'If she can't break my mind, someone else probably will'.

'I'll be her little poodle she can pet'.

Heelas small hand reaches out and is placed on my right cheek.

She forces my head to look away from the distance, and into her green eyes.