Interest And Reason

Rising with the sun I stretch, grateful that I am not as sore as before.

I make my way to the door, the plan is to hunt something, and stalk this area from a distance.

The old man might have sounded nice, but it was a warning.

'Get off my property' type of deal.

I smile as I think of Heelas round bottom.

She is beautiful.

More than likely she is back in Idris, looking for Lucci, or wrangling up some new whores.

I open the door to find Heela with her arms folded on the other side of the wall.

I grin wide.

"My lady, the sight of you defines the morning light".

I smack my lips in appreciation, and head out.

"Where are you going"?

I give her a confused look.

I really don't understand her.

I would like too, but I doubt she cares to let me in.

"Crisp water from the river... my lady".

I don't mention the fish I plan to have for breakfast, it feels like she has a short fuse today.